The Daily Collegian, UMass Amherst’s student-run paper, reports that UMass senior political science major Matt Giancola will enter the Democratic primary for the 4th Middlesex state rep seat now held by Rep. Stephen LeDuc. “The 4th Middlesex district encompasses Berlin, part of Southborough, and all of Marlborough, Giancola’s home town.”
Giancola has been president of the UMass Democrats, town coordinator for the Patrick campaign, and an intern for U. S. Rep
James McGovern. He is now secretary of the Marlborough town Democratic committee.
He will be opposed in the September primary by Danielle Gregoire, a legislative aide to LeDuc.
(Read the whole article, which is professionally written.)
Any background on this race from BMG readers?
Regardless of whether or not Jamie Eldridge pulled papers. However, he changed his mind when he resigned from the House and took a judgeship.
p>The Republican candidate is Arthur Vigeant, the president of the Marlborough City Council. Given the credentials of the other candidates, it appears that this gentleman is going to have a difficult climb to the top.
p>If you don’t know already, the representative for the 23rd Middlesex, Sean Garballey, is a recent UMass Lowell alum and a Suffolk grad student, but AmberPaw can tell you more about him! đŸ˜‰
he’s running against the former rep’s aide .
I see you knew that, but you can check out the link anyway…
Same facts as the Collegian story, but what I found interesting was the comment thread. Was it here that someone remarked recently on the number of trolls and loons in newspaper comment threads? There were quite a few on this one — I liked the person who said Matt wasn’t viable because he couldn’t get elected president of the UMass student body, as if that position was of any relevance to a kid with ambitions towards real politics…
p>Another anti-government type complained about the “free” education Matt is finishing at UMass Amherst…