My goodness! Does the sly reference to the RFK assasination, coupled with the white voters comment from a few weeks ago, justify the “monster” remark by Stephanie Powers? Yes it does. The Hillary presidency will be a triangulatory all about me affair. Fear it! Powers for Sec. of State.
Please share widely!
Triangulation saved her husband from being a half-term President and even got him re-elected, so maybe it’s not so bad after all. Hitler and Stalin were monsters, so let’s have some perspective. Also RFK’s son understood the reference to his father’s assassiniation for what it was, an example of races going until June, so the rest of us can lighten up. Finally her comment about white voters was just the truth and we need that crowd to win.
Yes, it got got Bill (It’s all about me) re-elected. The cost was control of both houses of Congress as well as the governorship of dozens of states. Lets not go through all that again.
…the hardcore triangulation began AFTER the GOP took Congress in 1994. If I remember correctly, the GOP consistently lost seats in both chambers after that while Clinton was still President, including 1998 during the height of the impeachment inquiry.
I think you mean?
I was gonna say, I didn’t think “Hart to Hart” was exactly crying out to be “re-imagined”…