This Saturday, May 10, Jason Lewis is opening up his campaign office here in Stoneham. We’ve just moved into the office here and I want to invite the BMG community to the grand opening.
This will be a chance to talk to Jason, check out the new office, meet the staff, have some food and refreshments, and hear about how the campaign is going.
We’ll begin the festivities with a ribbon cutting ceremony at 1pm and later we’ll make some staff introductions and hear from Jason.
It will be a lot of fun, so I hope you all can make it.
To RSVP please e-mail or you can call our office at 781-572-3045.
See you there!
Full disclosure: I’m now the Deputy Campaign Manager for the Jason Lewis campaign.
Why do you lefties make a big deal out of getting your ass out there and running. State rep aint state wide. You’re not a big deal.
p>Question for Jason. If he had $$$ for schools what is his wish list and what will he settle on.
p>It aaappears this guy is running against a sleazy Stoneham guy and a Winchester Ind.
p>Yuk. This far lefty probably recruited by the Socialists at Mass Alliance and with the help of the teachers’ unions will walk right into this seat.
p>Winchester use to be a republican town. It must becoming like another Brookline. These people won’t know what hit them until its too late.
p>We need a third party people.
Just one or two, but the candidate cannot do it alone. Someone has to run the day to day operation. I’ve helped manage a State Rep. race myself so I’ve seen what needs to be done.
Only Socialists need staff. Thus it always was and thus it shall ever be.
Socialist campaigns are staffed free of charge by representatives of teacher’s unions, which carry out campaign work in lieu of teaching while on the job. Comrade Wass has already detailed me to two local campaigns bent on undermining the state.
For a state reps race?
p>And after if you do a good job there will be cake and ice cream.
p>Campaign workers and titles are 2 differnt things.
p>This guy wiull win this race easily. That is sad part about it.
Jason I know Jim S and he speaks very highly of you. Great endorsement good luck just keep walking and knocking.
p>Winchester and Stoneham will be very lucky with you as the successor to Paul Casey
p>Ignore the man behind the curtain Ernie is a Republican cumudgeon!
I understand the losing candidates did have paid staff [one had two paid staffers I believe?] – by Sean Garballey ran without a paid staff.
Don’t you have anything better to do then red bait and name call? You better go to that opening and TALK to the candidate THEN report.
I’ll let you know how it went
…I will look forward to your report.
I planned on going. But then I got high.
Congratulations, Ari! I’ve heard good things about Jason Lewis and know how excellent a campaigner you are. Wish I could come but I’m going to a wedding at 2. Good luck!
Ari, Jason really lucked in to get you on his staff!
I am always surprised about folks having “staff” at a House election run. But then Sean’s campaign had NO paid staff – just folk who knew him and got busy. All of us kept our “day jobs” and worked the campaign trial anyway.