Hi all:
After being concerned about how the new insurance regulations would effect the poor earlier in the year, it turned out that I was the one who was being made poorer through the old system.
I received a renewal notice from Commerce around 5/18/2008 for my yearly coverage on our two cars for $2,677.00. Outraged, I went to www.progressive.com.
There I got much better coverage for $1,297.00 less a year. Screw Commerce, I am telling the whole Commonwealth about this new insurer.
Respectfully Submitted,
Wayne Wilson
Please share widely!
that insurance is bought for a purpose. In trading for cheaper prices one gets less benefits. Many companies would not sell here simply because government did regulate it. Government steps out of the picture and corpo-world with it’s myriad scamming ways takes over.
p>It is the very same story now with mandatory scamming health care companies the government also refuses to regulate.
Dear Last Horseman:
p>I guess that you didn’t read my last post thoroughly.(maybe just surfing through it LOL) My coverage is much better through this new policy. I raised our coverage under several categories and Commerce can take a flying leap as far as I am concerned.
p>Progressive didn’t hit me for points that Commerce was going to for an incident that happened over three years ago. Commerce was about to make me pay for it for an additional two years. With friends like Commerce, who need enemies?
Wayne Wilson