[Library Director Betty] Gregg says the money raised by the children will be used to purchase [over 1000 books and other] materials which will, in turn, free up money in the regular library budget with which she hopes to hire a part-time children’s librarian. The library was recently decertified and lost its children’s librarian and children’s programs to budget cuts. [Full Story]
The library saw a disproportionately large budget cut following the failure of a tax override last October, suffering a $328,000 budget cut. The hours were slashed to just 15 per week from 52. [Full Story]
These disproportionate cuts stem from libraries being one of the very few local budget items not mandated by the state.
What's that old song? Teach your children? These students are teaching us that we need to take a long look at our communities, and find a way to support the public structures that make them healthy, vibrant places to live.
[Crossposted from ONE Massachusetts]
Whether the source of good books, or an internet portal, libraries are fundamental to democracy – and part of what makes it possible for those with little to better themselves – and I know how important my local library was to me when I was the homemaker raising children and we only had one car and that car went off to work with my husband.
Comment to cherish in response to the You Guys Rock article……… From Bridget
According to their own website, the Bridgewater Library is open now three days a week, still trying to fulfill it's mission