Here is my original “Open Letter to Howie Carr”… with all of your comments.
I note that the “Brave Howie Carr” never to this day has contacted me, asked permission to quote me, or checked any of his quotes. I consider this plagiarism – whether or not “actionable” But hey, Howie – thanks for helping sell Moonbat T-shirts to fund programs for kids in Arlington – a town far less wealthy then Wellesley where YOU live.
Please share widely!
ritchie says
Did you ever think that Mr. Carr is just reflecting and asking questions that the MAJORITY of citizens of this state want answered, since Mr. Marzilli IS a state employee, and ultimately answers to the people for his actions.
BEFORE Mr. Carr brought up these points, I was curious as to why:
1)The Arlington victim was dragged thru the mud and totally discredited. She has been victimized TWICE. Once by Mr. Marzilli, and once by that shameful D.A. that TRIED to sweep her under the rug.
2)I thought all on my own, without Mr. Carr’s help, that if a Republican had committed these CRIMINAL acts, EVERY DEMOCRAT AND REPUBLICAN in the State House would be demanding Mr. Marzilli’s resignation, ( GOVERNOR where are you?).
That includes our Governor. Oh yeah, not to mention all of the victims advocacy groups (including the group Mr. Marzilli’s wife heads up) would be calling for the Marzillis head if he were a Republican.
3) WHY did he not seek treatment prior to getting caught.
It seems like Mr. Marzilli has had a dirty little secret for a while. And it’s not until he got caught that now people like you come out of the woodwork to defend such actions.
I would go a little further, and label his wife an enabler.
How could she not know something was wrong with this guy. He’s been accused for months of this assaultive and perverted behavior.
I know a few Bi-polar individuals. If they take the right combination of meds and can live a normal life. Don’t even TRY to say Mr. Marzilli was JUST diagnosed with this disease, how convenient. His handlers tried to keep him under wraps, but seems like they couldn’t for ever.
Don’t try to confuse the public by hiding Mr Marzilli behind a diagnoses of Bi-polar disorder.
Being bi-polar DID NOT make this guy the pervert that he is. Mr. Marzilli made himself the pervert that he is.
It’s funny how the Rich , Famous and Liberal, can cause such havoc, for so long, and when they are FINALLY caught, they (and their friends,and people like YOU) are so quick to defend them and send them to “get treatment” for what ever excuse you people give them for what caused their criminal behavior.
ryepower12 says
The way Howie Carr asked his question clearly demonstrates that he has no real interest in the answer. So, no, I never considered he just wanted an answer, because someone who truly wants answers doesn’t go about trying to find them by insulting those he questions over and over and over again.
pater-familias says
The hypocrisy is astounding on the left
gary says
You say, to the effect, Howie Carr quoted you out of context, but you can’t post what you said because the site rules forbid it, but what you said, wasn’t what he said you said.
p>What’d you really say!?
p>They’re your words for goodness sake. Did you contractually agree not to quote your own words? As “they” pointed out earlier, you retain your copyright:
p>Quoting someone, WITH attribution is plagarism? Really.
striker57 says
. . . is an old saying in the newspaper business.
p>Congrats for putting up the fight but you are fighting on turf Howie controls.
p>I have often wondered what would happen in activists starting leaflet drops in the neighborhoods around the Carr house. Seems if people Howie writes about (amd their families) have to live with it at home, we ought to take it to Howie’s house as well.
amberpaw says
p>For me this isn’t about the issues of a particular pol, but rather about plagiarism, journalistic integrity, and internet manners.
p>I hope that Carr’s barrels of ink help raise money for the Arlington Education Enrichment Fund through the sale of Moonbat T-Shirts with glow in the dark moons and proud, free flying bats. Fly on, Moonbats!
johnd says
like WTKK and WRKO have so many loyal listeners in a state like MA? There seems to be so many of us on the right side of issues, yet we elect so many morons on the wrong side of the aisle. I do listen to Jim and Margery but mainly because they are on TKK and I don’t want to miss any of Jay’s show so I just leave it there when their show comes on.
p>(BTW, do you think Jim Braude is making some serious cash between his radio show, his TV show and personal appearances? Not that I have anything against it but it must make it hard for him to criticize “the rich” when he’s one of them/us).
ryepower12 says
There’s so many listeners because there’s a vocal minority of cranky, ill-informed people looking not to hear about answers, or even solid information, but just railery. Things they want to hear. Something that both entertains them and makes them feel better. Of course, it doesn’t help them, it isn’t moving society closer to solutions, but there’s always going to be at least 20% of the population who aren’t interested in answers or being a part of the solution. Most of those people are, I bet, largely people who don’t even vote. We just have to succeed in spite of them.
pablo says
It seems that Kevin James was unavailable the night of the awards banquet.