John Kerry issued the following statement in response to the endorsement, which must have been welcome in light of Ed O’Reilly’s vocal support for equal marriage:
I am honored to have the endorsement of the Massachusetts Stonewall Democrats. Since 1984, I have proudly represented the people of Massachusetts in the United States Senate and never wavered from taking the fight to the ignorant, indignant or ill-informed who falsely believe civil, legal and human rights are rights reserved solely for heterosexual Americans. I have fought for equal rights since my first year in the Senate when I supported the first federal legislation to expand the hate crime classification to include victims based on sexual orientation and gender identity and introduced legislation outlawing workplace discrimination against the GLBT community. In 1996, I was one of just 14 U.S. Senators- and the only one up for reelection- to vote for the repeal of DOMA. I recently authored the bill to eliminate the HIV Immigration and Travel Ban and cosponsored legislation to increase HIV/AIDS funding. I am proud to have been a leader in the fight to get rid of the military’s ridiculous ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ policy. When it comes to defending our country, we cannot afford to waste the bravery and service of a single American, and we can’t afford a broken policy that’s discriminatory to boot. I am incredibly appreciative of the support Massachusetts’ GLBT community has provided me, and I am looking forward to a time when the rights of GLBT communities are no longer under assault this country. Come November, we’ll have a bigger, stronger Democratic majority in Congress and a Democratic president, and together we can all continue to work and fight for progress that’s long overdue.
The fur will be flying now. Perhaps it’s best to just quietly leave the room.
by both BSSD and HRC to endorse Kerry at least when it comes to solely GLBT issues. (side note: HRC’s endorsement of Republican Susan Collins in Maine was terrible)
p>Kerry has done a lot of good for the GLBT community, has seniority in the Senate, and where he is not strong on (marriage equality) it doesn’t have much of an effect since marriage is afforded in this state anyways. The only issue there may be is with repealing DOMA which I’m actually not sure if he favors or not. Does anyone know?
p>With that being said, just because he’s done a lot of great things doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be criticized for his lack of support for marriage equality.
Kerry was one of only 14 senators who voted against federal DOMA in ’96. but according to CNN
It would seem that a fresh statement on the matter would be a good idea. Kerry, we’re waiting…
when I voted at the BSSD meeting to endorse these candidates, it was (sadly a day) before I knew about Wilkerson’s latest hiccup – and came to a much different conclusion than before.
endorsements BSSD made don’t really reflect my personal endorsements, etc. The only endorsement I’m ready to make, so far, is Obama over McCain. I only meant in my previous reply that I would have publicly urged against the Wilkerson endorsement at that meeting if I knew then what I know now, whereas the other races I just chose to stay out of at the meeting.
A fitting endorsement for the Senator, indeed
Of a special interest group furthering it’s agenda. Refardless of this issue, I’m following Guy Glodis’ lead and voting for Ed Reilly.
Of a special interest group furthering it’s agenda. Regardless of this issue, I’m following Guy Glodis’ lead and voting for Ed Reilly.