KBusch and other are probably going to tell you to increase your sample size. How’s this sound…
p>One problem is sampling bias. JohnT is not systematically viewing all videos of the surge.
Another problem is bias due to salience. People tend to overweight what is salient. Example: I’ve noticed a number of people overestimate how long it takes the subway to arrive. That’s because a late train burns itself into your memory; it’s very salient. One hardly notices the many trains that arrive without delay. We remember anecdotes, after all, because they’re salient.
p>One video does not represent the entire situation concerning the surge. Your anecdotal data needs to be expanded. You need to collect videos of every aspect of the surge over a period of time to truly judge it’s success.
p>I would have to agree with them, if they said that. Don’t worry though, they only say those things to me. My answer would be name a single successful liberal Democratic program and I could find a video showing something wrong or ugly about it. But that wouldn’t prove any success or failure, nor does this video prove anything either.
The first video was the most informative: The peace in Baghdad is a peace of walls. The idea of a city in which one once lived being divided up into enclaves. The loss of the ability to move around within it. Then, too the image of the park converted into a cemetery because the residents cannot leave their area but have so many people to bury. And finally, the cemetery where the Mahdi Army buries those it executed.
p>In a sense, one can read a lot of articles like this one detailing handfuls of American casualties and dozens of Iraqi casualties. One becomes numb to it. It doesn’t really translate to the effect on the everyday life of Iraqis.
KBusch and other are probably going to tell you to increase your sample size. How’s this sound…
p>One problem is sampling bias. JohnT is not systematically viewing all videos of the surge.
p>One video does not represent the entire situation concerning the surge. Your anecdotal data needs to be expanded. You need to collect videos of every aspect of the surge over a period of time to truly judge it’s success.
p>I would have to agree with them, if they said that. Don’t worry though, they only say those things to me. My answer would be name a single successful liberal Democratic program and I could find a video showing something wrong or ugly about it. But that wouldn’t prove any success or failure, nor does this video prove anything either.
The first video was the most informative: The peace in Baghdad is a peace of walls. The idea of a city in which one once lived being divided up into enclaves. The loss of the ability to move around within it. Then, too the image of the park converted into a cemetery because the residents cannot leave their area but have so many people to bury. And finally, the cemetery where the Mahdi Army buries those it executed.
p>In a sense, one can read a lot of articles like this one detailing handfuls of American casualties and dozens of Iraqi casualties. One becomes numb to it. It doesn’t really translate to the effect on the everyday life of Iraqis.