Full disclosure: Three weeks ago I wrote the two democratic challengers, Jack Hurd and Ken Donnelly for the Fourth Middlesex Senate seat. Mr. Hurd responded immediately and set up a meeting to discuss the questions I had regarding his stance on many positions important to me.
We talked for ninety minutes and the conversation could best be described as informative, refreshing and forthright. Jack Hurd was candid and did not dance around any issue that I posed to him, and trust me – I challenged him. He listened to what I had to say and I left our meeting feeling confident a vote for him would deliver strong representation in the Senate for our district.
As for Mr. Donnelly, he never responded to me, which I believe is foretelling as to how he would act as a state Senator. Who wants a Senator who won’t respond to your concerns? I know that’s not what I want. I want a state Senator who is going to make himself available to his constituents and will listen to what I have to say. For this reason, I am voting for Jack Hurd on September 16 and I urge the voters from Arlington, Billerica, Burlington, Lexington and Woburn to join me.
Congratulations on your first post to BMG. Welcome to our forum.
p>I have known Jack Hurd for a very long time, and he is a very nice man. I have talked with him on many occasions, and I genuinely like him.
p>I have also known Ken Donnelly for the past year. I watched him as he ran in the last primary, and I thought he was very impressive. He had a tremendous grasp of statewide issues.
p>This year, when the race was unfolding, I asked Ken to meet with me. We had breakfast, and in the conversation I had one of the most thoughtful conversations with anyone in public life. This is a man who has an exceptional grasp on the nuts and bolts of state government, and we both had an extensive discussion on Deval Patrick’s strategy for moving the executive branch away from the direction set by Romney and his appointees.
p>I have asked Ken to meet with several of my friends, who were all very impressed with him. I find Ken to be attentive and responsive.
p>Here’s the difference. Ken Donnelly is a transformational leader. He is a committed progressive, but he has the capacity to frame these issues in a way that gains support from voters in the conservative towns in this district. Ken Donnelly has solid progressive support from the progressive towns to the south (Arlington, Lexington) and solid support from the conservative municipalities to the north (Woburn, Burlington, Billerica).
p>I have been active in Ken’s campaign. I am now working with people who I have never worked with in a campaign, people who have been on the other side on many campaigns. We are finding we have much in common, and the reason is that Ken Donnelly is the kind of person who brings people together.
p>Ken Donnelly has the knowledge of how to get things done on Beacon Hill, and the ability to bring people together. He can gain blue-collar support for a progressive agenda. He is a remarkable leader, and will be a great senator.
p>I am proud to support Ken Donnelly for State Senate.
Maybe Mr. Opportunist had the wrong number! The correct number to reach Ken Donnelly is 781 648 2008.
p>I have found Mr. Donnelly responsive and a very patient listener. As anyone who knows me knows – and probably anyone who reads my posts knows too – I can be a bit long winded [yeah I admit it] and I know personally that Ken Donnelly listens patiently and asks questions that indicate to me he REALLY listened.
Dear Pablo,
p>Thank you for the warm welcome.
p>I’m confused that you have such a positive view of Donnelly. He still has not responded to my message which is part of the basis for why I am supporting Jack Hurd. To me having a Senator who is responsive to constituents is the most important criteria for earning my vote.
p>Donnelly’s complete disregard to respond tells me something about him and his character. Who knows, it may say something about his lack of understanding of the issues. Perhaps he hasn’t taken a position on what I asked him about. Perhaps my questions were too provocative. I just don’t know. But, I feel strongly it says something about his ability to follow through.
p>Actually, I want to pose the question if he has followed through on any political matter in the district where he is running. What is an example of something he has helped on locally? Based on conversations I have had with others from the district Jack Hurd’s record is quite clear. Two examples: Jack Hurd helped save a library from being shut down and he’s fought for more funding in schools. Both examples are quite admirable and demonstrate his ability to lead.
p>As for your meeting with Donnelly, I’m glad that you have access to him. Maybe he gives access to only those he knows well or maybe he responds to people who have stronger name recognition than I. I simply do not know. What I do know is that the guy refuses to return a message. (Deborah suggested I called the wrong number, but that’s simply not the case.)
p>I wish I could witness what you describe as a transformational leader. But from watching the debates online, that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Maybe you thought he performed well, but there was nothing from that debate that showed me Donnelly was a transformational leader.
p>Since you are working on his campaign, perhaps you could pass along a message that he should start returning some messages if he wants to win over voters. Of course, that’s just a starting point. He needs to demonstrate that he can deliver for the district too. Certainly, I could take your word for it, but I want to hear it from the candidate.
p>As for now, I know Jack Hurd has done that as a Selectman and as a local activist. So, Donnelly has some work ahead of him as far as I am concerned.
p>Yours in victory,