well I have to say that the introductory video started out fantastic; hard to imagine a better into than michelle’s mom speaking her story. I thought Obama cheesed it up and blew it with his ice cream story though. Mom came back and jerked more tears, how much better was her mom than Barack ?? Holy molies what does this mean?
Please share widely!
demolisher says
oh wow michelle is bad…
demolisher says
getting much better w story of parents, gonna blow it now with Barack stories I bet
demolisher says
nice highs but always returning to lows, I had her at A-/B+ but I think end up in the C range. Barack lame again how is this guy chaismatic? Drop the pitch on every last word and you sound smart I guess…
bob-neer says
Thanks for the review đŸ˜‰
p>Now, why can’t comrade McCain? remember how many houses he has.
demolisher says
is that his wife, a rich beer heiress, owns them all…