So, at first I thought the pick of Palin was not that bad, until I started hearing and reading all of the comical things about her, shall we say… rapid rise to being a VP contender.
One of my first thought (that I’ve also heard echoed by others in conversations) is that this is a Harriet Miers do over, but can it really be if Bush’s whole thing was about loyalty? I mean, McCain had only met Palin once. That’s just flat out scary.
I then started to think about what a heated contest for Mayor of Wasilla in 1999, with a 2000 census population of 5,469, would look like. Turns out that she whooped her two opponents, Cliff Silvers got 32 votes, John Stein got 292 votes and Sarah Palin got a resounding and affirming mandate of 909 votes. Impressive margin, no doubt, but I’m a little scared that just two elections ago for her she won by just under 1000 votes!
Small time meets big time!
borisevicius617 says
I hate to encourage attacks that may or may not be true, then again if this is true, it would destroy McCain. I heard from a friend of mine who works as a journalist that there is a bit of controversy regarding Ms. Palin’s newborn child. Allot of people in Alaska seem to think that her newborn is actually her daughters. They cite the secrecy of the pregnancy and the fact that her daughter took 6 months of from school. To add on to this, no one can seem to find a picture that indicates Ms. Palin was pregnant. This might just be a bunch of rumors, but after reading some of things written, it seems plausible. Do a google search to see.
p>Now on to Ms.Palin and why I am now a die hard Obama fan. She is a crisis in the making and once the hardline political types get hold of her this will make McCain look horrible. I don’t mean to disrespect Alaska, but I don’t think a leader from there could really handle and understand the real issues facing the large section of America. How can you expect someone from a state smaller then Boston to understand issues that face places like NYC,La and Boston. At least Obama comes from Chicago and has lived in NY, Boston and La. Most of the nations population and major issues come from large cities and states. I would rather have someone who understands them then someone who probably holds the same views as John Rocker.
eaboclipper says
“I hate to encourage attacks that may or may not be true…”
p>but you did?
p>The next thing you’ll say is that the baby is John Edwards’s.
johnt001 says
There’s plenty of real stuff to jump on – this is utter crap.
johnd says
Last week I asked about some “requirements” for the office since McCain’s age was being slammed so hard, but of course the response was “no requirements”. We can add some new ones…
p>Candidate CANNOT be from any state smaller than 3,000,000 people (sound ok?).
p>Candidate MUST have worked 20 years in elected office.
p>Candidate MUST be able to play basketball.
p>Candidate CANNOT own more than 1 house or make more than $500,000 per year.
p>Candidate CANNOT have “dipped his wick” in any inappropriate “well” within 1 year of running for office.
p>Candidate CANNOT be a Mormon.
p>You may add more as needed.
justice4all says
for creativity. Nice work.