Cross-posted at Left in Lowell
The Union of Concerned Scientists recently had asked for submissions for Science Idol: the Scientific Integrity Editorial Cartoon Contest. The challenge was to submit an editorial cartoon highlighting political interference in science.
Now they have 12 finalists and they are asking people to vote to decide the winner. Vote here by Friday, August 8th.
Which is your favorite? I’m partial to number 11,… the one with the lab coats.
Please share widely!
huh says
Oh wait… yeah, number 11.
mr-lynne says
huh says
laurel says
because none depict women scientists. but that ugly aspect of the world of political cartooning aside, i’d vote for 11.
joets says
weren’t funny.
laurel says
and i’ll let you know. can you find any? any at all?
joets says
so they didn’t make it to the finals.
mr-lynne says
peter-porcupine says
sabutai says
Among other reasons, it promotes the truth as well as decrying its silencing.
mr-lynne says
lightiris says
There were several, too, that came in second, but I think #6 pretty well sums up the idiocy that is the United States when it comes to science.