What more is there to say? These are soft questions. My grandmother is a tougher interviewer than Katie. Think what Mike Wallace or Dan Rather would do to her. Edward R. Murrow would turn her into a puddle in seconds. Merv Griffin could destroy her.
’nuff said
Please share widely!
sabutai says
It’s getting harder and harder to take the stand that she’s an intelligent woman who’s being poorly handled and taught. Here she just sounds like a fool.
kbusch says
johnd says
Isn’t this what you accuse people like me of doing… not backing your remarks?
kbusch says
If I want a link for something, I post a comment that says “Links?”. I don’t whine. Is there something I referenced above you haven’t seen in the news?
johnd says
I have not heard anything from the McCain camp saying they are unhappy NOR I have I heard any new news concerning troopergate.
p>Lastly, if I understand you correctly, we can post anything we want without links… if we assume people have seen it in the news?
kbusch says
You really seem to not understand social context. I know you’re not autistic. Do you regard me as so daddy-like that everything I do is indicative of a rule?
p>To answer your meta-comments then: No one posts a link to prove we invaded Iraq. I might refer to the news if I’m saying something that’s not particularly controversial without posting a link because I believe that people truly interested may want to look it up. Making an outrageous or controversial claim calls for a link.
p>To answer your requests for links: The latest on troopergate is here. I originally saw this on Daily Kos where it was also linked to a news source. This link comes courtesy of Andrew Sullivan.
p>I said there were stories of Palin not doing well at mock debates purposely because the reports are not terribly solid. Huffinton Post’s Rachel Weiner attributes it to Ed Schultz. Not someone with an inside look at the McCain campaign. My assertion of unhappiness at the McCain camp seems uncontroversial and unremarkable given Governor Palin’s mounting negatives with a rising number of conservative commentators admitting saying she is unqualified. The Couric interviews have been disastrous. As a liberal on a blue blog, I may be allowed some gloating.
p>By the way, the sun rose this morning and Senator Inhofe is a conservative.
p>I don’t have links yet.
laurel says
she is no idiot. Rather, the DNC is paying her to play one on teevee. It is the only other explanation possible at this point.
dcsohl says
After all, she did get elected to Governor of Alaska. It seems highly unlikey that they could have elected somebody as dumb as Palin seems.
p>But not impossible. After all, Alaska is a microcosm of America, and we did elect George W. Bush. So for now, Laurel, this is merely a good theory but it doesn’t rule out the appearance.
tblade says
…that kid in college that comes to class not having done the assigned reading but trying to give a fluff BS answer to not have to admit she didn’t do the work.
p>PROF: Sarah, which tropes did you find common between the Sophocles play and the Aristophanes play?
p>PALIN: All of them. There was a vast variety of tropes between the two plays, it’s nearly impossible to pick just one.
p>PROF: Why don’t you try?
p>PALIN: The plays were like a microcosm of America. And eh..er…truth is…life?
p>[I stole the Billy Madison idea from someone else online, I can’t remember where.]
tblade says
Speaking of college, didn’t Sarah Palin major in Journalism? And this woman can’t name one single news source – from anywhere? Ever?
p>That’s like McCain not being able to differentiate port from starboard or Obama not being able to discuss Plessy v. Ferguson or Brown v. Board. For the love of Pete!
kbusch says
I haven’t seen anyone make that connection before, but it seems pretty significant to me.
p>The most generous explanation I can think of is that she doesn’t want to offend any news source she doesn’t pay attention to. Would the Washington Times forgive her?
p>The most plausible explanation is still that she doesn’t read much of anything not related directly to her job as Governor.
tblade says
“All of them! I celebrate the court’s entire catalog.”
lightiris says
Gordon Lightfoot how?
p>Every newspaper ever printed Every song ever written:
laurel says
We’ve got Enquirer, Parade, US…the list is endless. It’s called “multitasking”, Kaytee. That’s reading the news sources while you’re waiting in line with your groceries.
laurel says
Pam has a nice selection of videos by Bible Spice. My fave is the one where she tries dissing Biden for his age. Listen to Palin tell us why we shouldn’t vote for her ensuing conversation with Couric. Also of interest is the video where she says she chose to be straight. Interesting.
peabody says
Sarah Palin is really something.
p>This is actually getting sad, if it weren’t so serious.
p>I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. Since McCain announced this oick, it just keeps getting worse!
p>Can you spell ‘potatoe’ too?
johnk says
she was asked about Roe v. Wade then a follow up on what other supreme court cases she disagreed with.
sabutai says
Plessy v Ferguson comes to mind. I’d hope.
edgarthearmenian says
At the risk of usual ad hominem, personal attacks I will say that I did not find her media appearances that bad, any worse for vagueness and bs than any other pol of either party. What you people fail to understand is that your smug criticisms are what nourish the center’s enthusiasm for Palin. She is exactly what you say: she is not you.
laurel says
the reason she was so popular at first is because she came on like fireworks on the 4 of july. confident, on-message, a hot ‘n sparkly force to be reckoned with. but now we see that that was just a one-off performance, and in reality she’s just a sputtering sparkler that generates no heat. who wants to identify with a one-hit wonder?
p>but speaking of the religious base for which mccain picked palin as a promissory note, how do they feel about supporting a “pro-family” candidate like mccain who has an openly gay man for chief of staff? mccain, by their own definition is a “homosexualist“, the very sort of heterosexual that is undermining civilization by enabling the homosexual agenda. it shows how desperate they are that they would keep mum about this hideous outrage.
edgarthearmenian says
We’ll see if she, indeed, turns into a bumbling idiot tomorrow night. If she does, then you are correct.
As to McCain’s chief of staff, I think this reflects wery well on McCain’s character (he doesn’t seem to wish harm to anyone) and is probably more of a decent guy than you want to admit. In this case he recognized and rewarded competence.
laurel says
i mean, gimme a break, edgar. mccain has a very long record of working to strip gay people of the same civil rights that mccain himself enjoys. mccain has the 21st century equivalent of a house nigger. there is nothing decent about that.
edgarthearmenian says
Correct me here if I am wrong, but I don’t think that his record is any worse than a lot of so-called liberals like Kerry in this regard. To me he always came across as a decent person; and I don’t think he’s in the bag to the religious right–at least I hope not.
laurel says
mccain has a dismal voting record when it comes to LGBT rights. kerry, in comparison, has a stellar voting record. is it really ok with you that a person just looks like a nice guy? you don’t care what their voting record says? yikes.
p>of course mccain is in the bag for the fundies. that’s what palin is all about.
He also supports the discriminatory anti-gay state constitutional amendments that have passed and that are on the ballot this fall.
edgarthearmenian says
I wasn’t aware. His only defense would be that those vote totals (which I saw on the video via the link) indicate that he was far from the only one voting that way. I am sure that there were democrats involved as well. That is no defense, of course, for right vs. wrong. He is wrong on those issues, I agree. Thanks for the information.
hrs-kevin says
I know of absolutely no evidence that “the center” has very much enthusiasm for Palin at this point, quite the opposite in fact.
p>I challenge you to find a YouTube clip of any politician answering a question as badly as Palin did when Couric asked her to respond to the bailout.
p>In the end, the election will prove that your impressions of Palin are not representative of the population at large.
edgarthearmenian says
joes says
She is doing as well as Peter Sellers in “Being There”.
jack12 says
They showed it on TV back in 1929 right after FDR spoke about the depression
laurel says
So, what’s with the “take care of things on more local level” comment? Doesn’t she think there should be no SUpreme Court? Or just no federal-level laws and constitution? Alaska First!
dmac says
How’s that for the suprenme court cases? I swear that lady could be working with me at my state job! As Carville brilliantly states ” She is supremely and uniquely unqualified for the office in which she aspires”. I fu@3ckn love it!
kbusch says
Your well-informed social conservative adamantly inveighs against the Dred Scott decision. This is because the anti-choice movement sees itself (somehow) as being descendants of the abolitionists. They see Roe v. Wade as just like Dred Scott. So a well-prepared wingnut would immediately point to Dred Scott as a decision with which she disagreed. That Ms. Palin cannot even come up with that decision is surprising.
tim-little says
Has anyone actually seen Sarah Palin and Tina Fey in the same place at the same time?