All three of the senator candidates have had plenty of opportunity to accrue the relevant policy background — through some combination of actual experience and study. When they are questioned about the Iraq War, health care, energy policy, federal tax and fiscal policy, &c., we can reasonably expect that they will have an answer and we can judge them by their answers.
Whatever experience that Sarah Palin has, what she doesn’t have is broad exposure to foreign and domestic policy issues. The McCain campaign answer is to say that she can learn at the master’s knee. And, for the purpose of governing, that may be true.
But, what it does is insulate her from any real examination of her grasp of foreign and domestic policy during the campaign. Nobody can reasonably expect her to get up to speed in the next 60 days. She has never been a candidate for or held national office and so has never had the need. And, unlike Bill Clinton or Obama, she hasn’t spent any time learning about domestic policy and foreign policy beyond the specific (and limited) purposes required to be a small-state governor.
Ignorance as a shield. Ignorance, not lack of intelligence. Not lack of executive experience. Not lack of character. But, simple, straightforward, explicable ignorance.
It is also probably worth noting that, unlike Obama, Clinton (either, really), and Biden and much like McCain, it appears that Palin lacks curiosity about issues broader than her pay grade.
Think about that during the lead up to October 2d as the media sets expectations for Palin and warns about how careful Biden has to be not to come across as condescending.
McCain went out and picked someone without the relevant policy experience.
If I were the Obama campaign, I would hammer away at her lack of policy expertise. Every contention that she does have policy expertise raises the bar. Every answer that she couldn’t be expected to highlights that she’s not ready for national office.
You claim
Can you cite anything which supports this?
p>And even if true, is the acquisition of knowledge on a host of issues “experience?” If knowledge is so important, George Shultz or James Baker should be president. Draft John Silber!
p>A career in the US Senate is NOT the best training for the office of President. Executive experience is preferred by the American people, at least recently post WWII — Bush, Clinton, Bush, Regan, and Carter (while Bush 41 wasn’t a governor, he ran an oil business, was Director of the CIA, and US Ambassador to China and the UN.) Eisenhower’s executive training was as Supreme Allied Commander. Nixon/Ford, LBJ, and JFK were exceptions, with Ford and LBJ VP’s who replaced their presidents.
p>Obama’s experience base is slimmer, much slimmer — community organizer, state senator for a couple of years, US Senator not yet a single term… these are pretty weak.
p>The Republicans are attacking Obama on his lack of experience. Since it’s true, I wouldn’t know how to defend against it. Since it’s true, they can’t use a similar claim against McCain. Since it’s true, every time you criticize Palin on experience, it only further highlights Obama’s lack of experience.
p>I’ve only seen this lately in response to attacks on Palin’s experience (and I agree with those who say we should concentrate on McCain instead). I’ve been hearing Obama words like “change” and “hope” out of McCain’s mouth more than “experience” since the Palin pick. I don’t see every speech and news report, but the experience thing is no longer a front-and-central issue coming from the Republicans.
p>I think they’ve given up on that line of attack (had to given that it wasn’t working and due to the Palin pick) and are trying to co-opt Obama’s message, trying to meld that with the Maverick thing. “Experience” apparently says “Washington” to too many people.
VP’s make good Presidents đŸ™‚
She’s a distraction. It’s time we ignored her and talked about other things.
p>This, for instance:……
they shouldn’t be using real US military soldiers for political gain. US soldiers aren’t to be engaging in politics while in uniform IIUC.
p>If so, actors were the only way to go.
About the Republicans. It only pushes Nobama further into the background.
Sorry – staged scenes and hippie protesters will not knock Sarah off te screen.
p>She is a sensation
Watching the news this mroning on the box and net. You gotta be kidding me. Obama is restructuring his campaign because of palin? Palin is a sum zero–a nonentity—much ado about nothing, nobody cares. If Barack ignores this “flash in the pan” it will all be gone in two weeks. Oprah is apparently doing so—-I mean—if Oprah Winfrey is maintaining strict neutrality and treating Palin as a non event then Obama should follow suit.
A quick search through news sites and the morning papers doesn’t back up your assertion. I must have missed it.
However, it changes the Republican message. The whole Republican theme was “not ready to lead.” Those words are much less effective from Palin’s mouth. They are now preaching “maverick” and “reform.”
p>Actually, I think this plays into the Democratic message, linking McCain to Bush. However, before McCain and Palin effectively wrap themselves in the reform blanket, the Democrats need to effectively tie them to failed Bush policies.
That was a good scene, thanks. But it doesn’t apply to this election, because McCain isn’t the damn incumbent. We don’t elect a party to the presidency, we select from candidates that the two party system produces. McCain ran against Bush in 2000. Remember the scene?
p>I think it’ll be easier to tie Obama to Ted Kennedy (man his convention speech was surreal) than to tie McCain to Bush, except for that hug photo.
… performance of the GOP during the Bush presidency contrasted with the Dems treatment of Clinton, Yeah… I’d say that if you vote for the GOP candidate for POTUS, yeah… you really are voting for a party to the presidnecy
The “maverick”, “reform” message the Republicans now are preaching does not help in linking McCain to Bush; it does exactly the opposite. In fact, McCain’s convention speech included a passage about how the current administration failed to govern and was corrupted by the Washington power brokers. This “new” message by the Republicans is going to make the race even tighter, which means every Democrat should be making plans right now to do some campaigning in a battleground state over the next 2 months.
Because she doesn’t want to give the Republicans equal time. Yes Nobama ignore your opponent. And fade further from the public view. Sure recipe for a loss if you ask me.
Mike Lukovich, Atlanta Journal-Constitution