You know, our conservative friend EaBo was telling us how terrific Sarah Palin is, how she's the face of young conservatism, and so forth. And I suggested that to be up to the task, she'd better be “prodigiously awesome”. Well, some anonymous-but-eloquent guy in Alaska says she's got game.
What the Republicans missed about Sarah Palin then–and what the Democrats seem poised to miss now–is that she is a true political savant; a candidate with a knack for identifying the key gripes of the populace and packaging herself as the solution. That keen political nose has enabled her to routinely outperform her resume. Nearly two years into her administration, she still racks up approval ratings of 80 per cent or better.
Sooner or later, the Obama camp will realize that the beauty pageant queen is an enormously talented populist in a year that is ripe for populism. For their own sake, it had better be sooner.
Say what you like about qualifications, ideology, policy expertise, or whatever … but beware a political killer instinct. En garde!
I totally believe this. The Obama camp needs to take her VERY seriously. The key is to keep hammering at her extreme views on guns, abortion, the environment – and just about everything else.
p>Be afraid, be very afraid…
The McCain campaign seems to have been keeping Palin away from the reporters, television cameras, and the like for the last few days. Probably for good reason. The story would be about her, her scandals, her false claims (bridge to no where), and her questionable judgment (banning library books, anyone?)
p>I suppose at some point, after the newspapers, the tabloids, and gossip mongering cable shows are done heaping slime on her, she might wipe herself off and offer a few choice words about Obama.
p>In the meantime, she seems to be touring the Undisclosed Location.
YET. Once she is accurately vetted we will have a better idea of how she performs as a politician. She is now in the national spotlight this is not Wasilla. Plus, where is she? She has been missing in action. Has she been to the convention at all today?. .
Other than the brief statement regarding Bristol’s pregnancy, she’s nowhere to be seen or heard.
at an awards ceremony that phyllis schlafley was holding to honor her tuesday. can you imagine standing up mother schafley? heads will roll…
McCain drags her out on friday like the bearded lady only to put her back in the cage again?
p>I’m almost expecting her to show up for her acceptance speech, only to start pulling off her face to reveal it’s been Joe Lieberman wearing a Palin mask all along!
p>I can understand the secrecy leading up to the pick, but this is getting spooky.
Your the first “Progressive/Democrat” that has not made the immediate decision that this woman is just a vacuous hairdo with ovaries.
p>Actually, this woman is as sharp as a tack. Sarah Palin, although from Idaho and Alaska did not fall off the turip truck last night. Everyone can throw as many rocks as they like, none of it diminishes this woman’s accomplishments. Once you stop and think about it—-looking at the entire scenario as a disinterested party, this woman will be a formidable opponent. None of this is to say she won’t stub her toe, or something of prurient interest may surface, as it may as well for Obama or Biden, but this is fact a remarkable person who just about every American family can admire or identify with. There are folks, who have an axe to grind, from the left and right, who will attempt to diminish her. Personally, she reminds me of an Annie Oakely/ Margaret Thatcher. This woman appeals to middle America. I would start getting used to seeing her face and reading her name.
You might actually read comments before you respond to them. You seem to be responding to the voices in your head and not to what Charley wrote — as the voices in your head assert the opposite of what Charley was suggesting.
At the Republican National Convention today, the co-chair Jo Ann Davidson gave the opening speech and and rallied the troops in supporting the next Vice President Sarah Pawlenty.
p>In case you were wondering, Tim Pawlenty’s wife is named Mary. You can’t make this stuff up.
I just couldn’t believe that was true … until I listened to it. Has the minimum age to be a Republican increased to, like, 150?
But her executive talent at owning a carwash is less impressive.
p>Palin is certainly an interesting person, and clearly knows something about working the political process to her advantage.
p>But she’s going to have to pull a triple-Clinton to get out of this mess. It’s only Tuesday, and I’ve frankly lost track of all the Palin stories. This doesn’t exactly make McCain look like a good decider.
Palin may or may not have political talent, but her ability to make good decisions both professionally and personally can be called into question.
p>On the professional side, Governing Magazine gave Alaska a C grade in their state management report card.
p>On the personal side, it’s not the getting pregnant that matters (beyond showing how reckless the middle-aged parents were), its the birthing decisions that count.
So Gov. Palin’s judgment is just as reckless as McCain’s and Bush’s.
p>Great. Just what we need.
“She’s not prepared to be governor. How can she be prepared to be vice president or president? Look at what she’s done to this state. What would she do to the nation?” – Lyda Green, Republican State Senate President, also from Wasilla.
… it’s entirely possible that the pick is just positioning for 2012 and, once again, John McCain is being used by the Right.
p>Forcing McCain to pick Palin looks to 2012 and, basically, cedes the election to Obama/Biden. It doesn’t make sense as a winner some two months from now…
… attempt at a high-risk play as a ‘game changer’. I’m sure that he was shown by his handlers that the math doesn’t work without the base and that the base numbers don’t work with his preferences for the pick. In this context, going with Palin looks like an honest attempt to win because it is a pick compatible with an honest look at what he can expect to cultivate for numbers.
Tom Eagleton’s political instincts were just as sharp….and he didn’t even last til labor day.
p>Just sayin’….