In fact, the jet did not sell on eBay. It was sold to a businessman from Valdez named Larry Reynolds, who paid $2.1 million for the plane — shy of the $2.7 million purchase price — according to news reports at the time. Reynolds contributed to Palin’s campaign in 2006.
Of course, this means Palin didn’t actually lie. In her speech she mentioned: “That luxury jet was over the top. I put it on eBay.”
But “I sold it on Ebay” sounds so much better:
But that hasn’t stopped Palin, or John McCain, from implying — or asserting outright — that Palin sold the jet on the Internet.
“You know what I enjoyed the most? She took the luxury jet that was acquired by her predecessor, and sold it on eBay — and made a profit!” McCain declared in Wisconsin at a campaign stop Friday.
The video tribute to Palin that aired at the Republican National Convention on Thursday night made the same assertion.
Now she sold it at a profit. I wonder what it will sound like next week.
she sold it to Elvis, who fathered her 4th child.
Of course, that means this diary kinda, erm, does.
… Show where I lie!
Here are some facts:
p>Palin took office, took charge, and went about the task of cleaning up after the self-indulgent scoundrel who preceded her.
p>She listed the Governor’s corporate jet on Ebay, ostensibly with the intention of selling it there. The move was at once symbolic and pragmatic. and was a appropriate executive decision.
p>The jet didn’t meet the minimum bid. Palin made certain that the citizens of Alaska would receive all they were due on the sale, so she pulled it and sold it through a conventional brokerage. The move was a practical and appropriate executive decision.
p>The plane sold for around 80% of the original purchase price (which is purported to have been excessive). It also relieved the state of having to hangar, maintain, and staff the aircraft – a practical and appropriate executive decision.
p>I don’t know the depreciation of a two year old Westwind II. But I’m certain that it is at least 20%, and that the citizens of Alaska came out ahead because of Governor Palin’s practical and appropriate executive decisions.
p>When candidate Sarah Palin stated: “That luxury jet was over the top. I put it on eBay”, not only was she not lying, she was letting Washington wastrels know her attitude towards profligate spending. To say “I sold the plane through a brokerage out of Anchorage” would not have had anywhere near the symbolism, and would have been no more true than what she actually did say. She made an appropriate and honest political decision.
p>So, no Mr Lynne, your diary is not a big fat outright lie. It just plays a little game of footsie, by wandering around the facts until the dizzy reader is left with the impression you wanted.
p>So it’s merely, as I said to begin with, a kinda lie.
… the games in the GOP talking point meme. The jet wasn’t sold on Ebay. It wasn’t sold for a profit. It was a symbolic move.
p>I question the ‘executive’ decisions that cased the plane to somehow wind up in the hands of one of her cronys.
p>I didn’t lie, Palin didn’t lie, McCain is probably just clueless… but clueless in a way that will obviously be repeated over and over again on the campaign until a significant amount of people think its true and don’t know the questions raised about who ultimately took ownership of the plane and the damage that puts forth on any notion that she isn’t cronyist.
She said she “put the jet on Ebay”. When it didn’t sell she hired a broker and sold it. So you can mess with the details. But she sold it. Will Deval be selling the Caddy?
p>Argue semantics all you want.
… luxury Jet winds up in the hands of a campaign donor for someone running against “Good ‘ol Boy” politics.
p>Things that make you go ‘hmmmm’.
and investigate. THEN report your findings. Headlines made up of rumors. The new one is “questions are being asked about”….. Well, get the answers to the questions then make the answers the headlines. Getting answers to the questions, that is news reporting, not just publishing the questions.
If I were on RMG I’d describe the careful use of the word word “put” rather than “sold” as ‘Clintonesque’.
p>Of course she didn’t lie, but nobody is correcting the meme (surprise).
p>Lie. Case closed.
whether it be his personal house count or a major resume item for his VP. Just wait until he’s put in charge of the nuclear arsenal.
… today, albeit the article is from Saturday.
to be the exact same discussion as the one over on EaBo’s post:…
p>Who’s lying? What’s a lie? Is it semantics or does it run much deeper?
p>IMHO I don’t think either case (Obama not being as specific as he could have been regarding when he signed up for selective service or whether or not Palin sold the plane on Ebay or afterward) matters much at all. This is small stuff-incomprehensibly small stuff-compared to…ya know…actual issues.
p>Both campaigns are going to exaggerate, misname, misplace, misidentify facts. Sometimes they’ll do it knowingly, sometimes it will just be because the ratio of words coming out of both campaigns demands that some mistakes/lies (whatever you want to call them) occur. Let’s not get too much in a tizzy about them. yes, I said tizzy.
… do the facts that need correcting actually change the substance of the campaign’s assertions. Assume Ebo is correct and it doesn’t really change anything about Obama and his consideration of selective service. If there really is cronyism going on with the sale of the plane, then the entire exercise was less the act of a fiscally responsible governor and more an act of cronyism that could be spun.
p>Honestly if it really was just a question of semantics I wouldn’t have given the story much weight, but the fact that the plane wound up in the hands of a campaign donor raises questions that go beyond mere semantics.
p>I do think that both items look trivial at first glance and I thought the timing of Ebo’s post relative to this one may have been an attempt at “the other side does it too” in response to this post.
I think you mean EaBo. Ebo is a genus of Philodromid crab spider. The genus is characterized, in part, by the second pair of legs being significantly longer than the 1st, 3rd and 4th pairs. Nice picture here. đŸ™‚
I didn’t think you studied such things.
p>Enjoyed the spider.
If the candidates tell helf-truths, or lies, or make deceptive statements, they should be called out.
the keep repeating them rather than correcting them. everyone makes mistakes, but…
Really now. Has it escaped everyone’s attention that the more Democratic partisans focus on nonsense such as this, the uglier the polls are loking?
They’re embarrassing themselves:
p>Look! She said she “put” it on ebay but implied she “sold” it on ebay.
p>Look! A guy in Alaska said his parents said she was going to ban books. She’d didn’t but she could have.
p>Look! She said FNMA was too expensive. Ok, so it was expensive, but she obviously doesn’t know it’s a private agency even though she didn’t say it.
p>We got her on the run now!
…is this focus on Palin. The media is more interested in her than McCain, which I suppose makes sense. I just don’t see why anybody is abetting them. Odds are overwhelming that whatever her shortcomings, Palin’s main role in McCain’s White House will be to attend B-list funerals. Sure, she is unfit for the presidency, but so is McCain…the difference being that McCain is trying to become president right now.
the BO campaign seems to be taking more of an interest in her as well.
since she’s totally new to the scene. but i agree, it is unfortunate if we take too much focus off of mccain.
well-crafted attacks on palin are really attacks on mccain and his incompetent decision-making. here’s obama today in michigan:
i think that’s effective.
She’s a huge target because of all of the shady things she has done, her public deceptions, her extremism, and now her refusal to explain herself.
p>She’s basically letting the blogs define her, because she is too scared or inept to talk to the media.
p>There is still plenty of time for McCain. After all, no one even knew who Governor Palin was 10 days ago. Except for 7,000 people in Wasilla and a few hundred thousand Alaskans spread over three time zones.
and Lisa Nova.
Even if it isn’t it seems to come from the candidate. And comparisons of the Democratic nominee to someone other than the GOP nominee diminish the stature of the Democratic candidate.
p>And, it seems that the only effect achieved is to inflame the Republican base, which is not something needed or desired by those anxious to see Obama president.
p>He’s running against McCain. Even if this is a bank-shot attack on McCain like Laurel says, so what? Attack McCain directly. Again, in case the point is lost: the guy who is running against Obama is McCain.
Look at the circulation of that magazine and you have your answer. All of the details that disqualify her from consideration as a legitimately viable President-In-The-Wings are blurred by her messy personal life, her break-the-mold femininity, and her appearance. Who cares if she doesn’t know a Shia from a Sunni? An Uzbek from a Turk? Can’t tell the truth if her life depended on it? Who cares! She can gut a moose in stiletto heels!
will you TRY to be honest for JUST ONE SECOND?!!!
p>She can’t gut a moose in stiletto heels, she guts a moose with stiletto heels. Geeze! You moonbat libs are all the same lying scum. GET A LIFE!!!
p>[lol !]
Stiletto heels, fish nets, garter belt, seal fur about the, um, bustier-enabled klev-idge, as we say in school, all revealed concealed under a silky semi-transparent anorak replete with seal fur trim. In one hand, a SOA high-powered rifle; in the other, a hatchet.
p>Take it NOW, Earl, NOW before she moves!
to dye the seal fur red, white and blue? also, don’t forget she needs to be wearing a modest gold cross on a plain chain. finally, don’t let her forget to tuck a bible into the front of the garter belt at a jaunty “pointing down there” angle. alternately, she can wedge a new testament between her bazoombas (as they say at the garage).