Here is the link, you do not have to take my word for it:…
The story was buried on page two. 642 adults were arrested for supporting themselves in style and making money by pimping out children.
47 children were rescued, all but one of them female, between the ages of 13 and 17.
642 people arrested for pimping out children!! WHY is this not front page news?
Were these teens shipped into the United States in cargo containers?
Did they spring from cabbages or seafoam?
Or were they discarded by failed families, on the run from foster care?
And what about the 800 plus 18 year olds who age out of foster care with no homes?
When the state intervenes in a family, and terminates the parental rights of a mother and father, that child also loses their grandparents, their aunts, their uncles, their cousins, their cultural identity and heritage – and 800 a year are thrown into the world that way in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts alone.
When I read this awful story, this bare bones story of adults battening on the lifeblood of children I also thought of those aging out kids.
You know what? THEY are our kids and the failure to support them after birth will have costs for generations.
Again, WHERE is the outrage? Why isn’t this front page news? Where is the outrage of abortion opponents for failing to support these children and care for THEM???
… the front page of HuffPo this morning.
We’re all so focused on electing a progressive President and a progressive Congress that we just miss stories like this that describe our own FBI spending considerable resources (our taxes )protecting lost and abandoned children. Good job FBI!
p>I share your outrage that there are evil people out there, who profit from exploiting our government’s failure to provide the necessary social services and income supports that will help distressed and broken families care for their children in a safe and healthy environment.
p>I’m also pretty pissed that our government doesn’t have the resources, and/or chooses not to spend more of them to do a better job supporting families in the first place.
p>So, with your help, let’s work on getting enough of our tax revenue directed to doing a better job protecting kids.
I have to agree with her on both issues. The dehumanization of these “children” is gut wrenching and despicable. We should be doing everything in our power to disrupt this activity and severely punish the pimps/adults involved. Secondly, as of today there are only 2 comments. Does this issue fall on deaf wars on BMG? Should she somehow try to link this issue with Obama or Palin to get a response from writers here? I don’t know the proper term for it but when people stand by idly when something truly tragic occurs, it’s wrong. I’ll stop there and leave politics out. This is as non-partisan as it gets and I cannot imagine ANY defending remarks. Let’s all speak out against this and actually do something.
Whatever one may think of the biologic parents of these kids, it isn’t the kids fault, and for all practical purposes, you and I are their parents. Who else do they have?
p>And yes, Judy, good work FBI!