Like we said, this year offers us both a potentially great president and a Congress that he can work with. Here’s the catch, though: none of this will be easy, and none of it will happen by itself. You — we’re talking to you, on the other side of the screen — have to make it happen.
The good news is that many of you are doing that. There was a fine turnout for the lolorb memorial/Kate’s birthday/BMG canvass in NH over the weekend, and we know that many of you are volunteering elsewhere. Keep it up.
The other thing we can all do is give money. Yes, the drumbeat for donations seems endless. That doesn’t make it any less valid, or any less important. The Obama campaign is flooding the airwaves with advertising. It has to keep doing that right up to election day, and that is very expensive. Furthermore, the GOP voter-suppression machine is in full swing, and only a massive — and very expensive — GOTV effort by the Obama campaign can counter it.
As for the Congress, do we really need to remind you how important that is? A President Obama, should we be so fortunate, needs working majorities in both houses of Congress. And truly awful Republicans like Michele Bachmann need to be handed a one-way ticket out of Washington — her McCarthyite tactics are a disgrace, and she is unfit to hold the office she now holds.
Finally, our ActBlue page includes a couple of non-federal races — Sonia Chang-Diaz here at home, and the “No on 8” campaign for marriage equality in California. Those races are both part of our matching offer on ActBlue.
Click here to see a video recorded by Obama Campaign Manager David Plouffe that brings you up to date on money, spending, and the campaign’s plan to win. But remember to click on this link to support Barack Obama, and
click on this link to support our ActBlue candidates to boost your donation with our matching funds.
Do it. Do it now. Do not wake up on Nov. 5 thinking that there’s more you could have done.
Support Barack Obama
Support our ActBlue candidates
stomv says
or just the Obamanator? I may send Hagan and Tinklenberg some scratch.
david says
Not just Obama.
stomv says
there’s less than $1500 in matching donations remaining.
bob-neer says
Go stomv!
sabutai says
It’s tough to look at any candidate or cause on your ActBlue page and not give. But I made my choices. Thanks for making it count even more when we step up, and for making November 5th a great night!
cougar says
until next payday.
jasiu says
Thanks for setting this up, guys!
stomv says
Can we get a running total of the donations to each candidate/cause under the matching plan? I’m curious to see where the recent BMG financial mojo is heading…
david says
there’s no easy way to do that. You can see the running total of contributions to each candidate on the page, but that doesn’t split out recent contributions. Once we hit $1,500 in new donations, we’ll have to divvy it up manually in order to parcel out our matching funds appropriately, and we’ll report back when we do so.
p>Based on just eyeballing the results, though, I can tell you that El Tinklenberg is doing quite well, as are Carol Shea-Porter and Jeanne Shaheen in NH. Kay Hagan in NC is also getting significant support, as is the “No on 8” campaign in CA. But pretty much everyone is in the mix!
stomv says
But if you guys made note of the totals before announcing the matching, then subtraction gets the job done.
p>If so, send me the pre-matching totals, I’ll do the arithmetic myself and post it.
stomv says
Now can I get my update of the BMG match?
david says
mike-from-norwell says
you may have to hold a fundraiser for yourself: