On the one hand, Jeff Jacoby forwent the analysis of how Palin would play in Peoria. He avoided the pundit fallacy of assuming that his view would be middle America’s.
On the other hand, what a wacky bit of cheerleading. Particularly in light of Palin’s aw-shucks, (faux-?)earnest folksiness, Jacoby reads like a terrible parody of an awestruck fanboy.
But Sarah Palin was incredible!
Exclamation point and all!
But, Jacoby can’t get past performance. Her mastery of issues was great given her short time on the national stage. She’s like this really terrific understudy who got her big break and with pluck and a smile won over the big city audience.
In one of the few opportunities he’s got left to address the presidential campaign in the few weeks before the election, Jacoby couldn’t summon up the seriousness to address her fitness as back-up to McCain or to address the policies she espoused on the ticket’s behalf.
New England’s conservatives — and liberals — deserve a more thoughtful writer on the Globe’s op-ed page.
Update: Did I miss something from the dead-tree version of the Globe? Ellen Goodman is just as much the drama critic. Joan Vennochi is only marginally better.
This is serious business folks. Any of you want to discuss surrender? Appetite for regulation? Health care?