“In the latest instance of inflammatory outbursts at McCain-Palin rallies, a crowd member screamed “treason!” during an event on Tuesday after Sarah Palin accused Barack Obama of criticizing U.S. troops.”
“At a Palin rally on Monday, television stations picked up audio of a crowd member calling Obama a “terrorist,” while Dana Milbank reported that “[o]ne Palin supporter shouted a racial epithet at an African American sound man for a network and told him, ‘Sit down, boy.'” Also on Monday, at a McCain rally, one member of the audience yelled, “Kill him!””
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sabutai says
p>”After John McCain delivered the central question of his speech today — ‘Who is the real Barack Obama?’ — the first, and loudest, supporter seems to yell:
p>’Terrorist!’ “
p>(Via TPM)
geo999 says
p>How do you know that these aren’t code pinkers out of uniform?
gary says
p>Does Michelle attend all John McCain’s rallys?