Maybe not safe or saavy, but they were funny to me, at least. Over the years when the occasion’s presented itself I’ve referred to myself as a mutt (b/c we all are, really), mostly as a humorous way to try and reduce the differences between various groups that some people choose to see and that can create such strife.
p>It was fun to have Obama’s Nancy Reagan seance quip take me back to that event. Yes, I was much younger then but I still thought it was weird at the time. And it’s funny now.
Her thing was astrology, not seances, so it wasn’t even accurate. I thought it was exceedingly awkward in any event, and definitely the wrong foot for the first ever press conference. A gratuitous shot that seemed out of character.
p>Luckily he was smart enough to apologize quickly before talk radio had a chance to get into a lather over it.
I appreciate people who poke fun at themselves. The Seance thing though…yeah he probably should have skipped that one.
It’s going to a long four years if every syllable Obama utters has to pass the PC police filter. Is there no room to be funny or not funny anymore? Or spontaneous? Or freakin’ human? Good grief.
but that doesn’t mean that everyone who thinks they are funny is funny. Not all criticisms of attempted humor are for PC purposes. Sometimes it’s just “jeesh, what a lame joke!”.
Maybe not safe or saavy, but they were funny to me, at least. Over the years when the occasion’s presented itself I’ve referred to myself as a mutt (b/c we all are, really), mostly as a humorous way to try and reduce the differences between various groups that some people choose to see and that can create such strife.
p>It was fun to have Obama’s Nancy Reagan seance quip take me back to that event. Yes, I was much younger then but I still thought it was weird at the time. And it’s funny now.
Her thing was astrology, not seances, so it wasn’t even accurate. I thought it was exceedingly awkward in any event, and definitely the wrong foot for the first ever press conference. A gratuitous shot that seemed out of character.
p>Luckily he was smart enough to apologize quickly before talk radio had a chance to get into a lather over it.
I saw those details discussed on nat’l blogs along with the apology text.
p>What I don’t want is such tip-toeing around that there’s no room for spontaneity and humor by our leaders… but I hear ya.
He was simply playing to his base: humorless liberals.
ha ha ha
I appreciate people who poke fun at themselves. The Seance thing though…yeah he probably should have skipped that one.
It’s going to a long four years if every syllable Obama utters has to pass the PC police filter. Is there no room to be funny or not funny anymore? Or spontaneous? Or freakin’ human? Good grief.
but that doesn’t mean that everyone who thinks they are funny is funny. Not all criticisms of attempted humor are for PC purposes. Sometimes it’s just “jeesh, what a lame joke!”.