Wow, big news. New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, who was tapped by President-elect Obama to serve as secretary of Commerce, has withdrawn his name for the position due to a pending investigation into a company that has done business with his state.
“Let me say unequivocally that I and my Administration have acted properly in all matters and that this investigation will bear out that fact,” he said Sunday in a report by NBC News. “But I have concluded that the ongoing investigation also would have forced an untenable delay in the confirmation process.”
And Richardson said that he will continue his role as governor.
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Good for him.
The amount of $$ involved in the New Mexico investigations seems relatively small, and Richardson’s announcement sounds both confident and statesmanlike. Richardson has plenty to do in New Mexico, and the incoming Obama administration does not need the kind of distraction and taint that Richardson has had the honor and competence to spare the incoming president. So – so far – Kudos to Richardson.
in which case there would have been nothing for the vetters to know about, or they made a big mistake.
back in August.
bad oversight or wishful not-seeing. did he get that vetting team used and on the cheap from mccain, i wonder? are they the same people who signed donnie mcclurkin up for the campaign and warren up for the inaugural?
… that while Richardson isn’t a target, there are probably people around him that will be or are. This problem may have been something they thought they could stomach and fight through, but that assessment was probably made in November, when the pressure to get a financial team together quickly was much greater and, probably much more importantly, before Blogo made headlines.
i’m sure the unforseen (we assume) blagojevich thing has thrown off what previously were fine calculations.
Sez Obama asked him to pull out.
I like Richardson, but his expertise is not in commerce and we could use someone who really knows the field at the moment. His appointment always struck me as more about payback and less about finding the best person for the job as a matter of merit. (On the other hand, the incompetent Henry Paulson, who presumably should know something about business, has been a wretched Secretary of the Treasury, so maybe this criticism is misplaced). Perhaps after Richardson gets this matter cleaned up he can come back as a UN Secretary.
Figure this: the probe dies down, Richardson isn’t implicated. Then, he’s out of a job due to term limits in 2010. Perhaps he takes over as UN Ambassador, or something else.
Obama did issue a statement in which he said, “I look forward to his future service to our country and in my administration.” (From a Bloomberg article on my iPhone; I don’t have a linking URL to point to.)
p>Clearly they expect Richardson to be back, and I don’t think it will be as Gates’ replacement. On the other hand, SOS is generally only a four-year job even if the President is re-elected, so we’ll need a new SOS in ’12. Richardson’s a natural fit. Never understood how HRC got it over him (though it turned out to be for the best, in hindsight).
Found that quote in an MSNBC article.
But what to do with Hillary in 2010? I can’t imagine she’s going to retire, but if Paterson appoints a caretaker for her, it would certainly leave her options open.
It’s a different field after Blago.
p>No distraction.
p>No circus.
p>No drama.
p>If Bill Richardson can clear this up, he will be back in D.C. soon enough. Richardson is a capable individual who can fit in anywhere because he possesses good judgement.
Richardson is the first domino to fall. Eric Holder will probably be next, once the Republicans in the Senate do a number on him.
p>Then Barack Obama will turn to his friend from Harvard Law to bail him out.
p>Deval will make a fine attorney general.
p>Note: My predictions almost never come true.
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