But perhaps most ominously, Wal-Mart is even getting involved in elections. During the 2008 election, management pulled employees into meetings to urge them not to vote for Obama because — gasp! — he would fight for worker’s rights.
The similarity between the Bentonville behemoth and the Buy-N-Large behemoth is funny, but it’s scary, too. It’s why I’m doing work with Wake Up Wal-Mart.
Consider Wake Up Wal-Mart as Wall-E. I know that analogy doesn’t really work — but both WUWM and Wall-E fight/are fighting the behemoth to restore environmental vitality and quality of life back to America. I urge you to join the fight!
Please share widely!
or you posting under 2 handles?
but I did go into one in the sticks of western Virginia. Yikes is about all I can say.