I have slammed AIG and the government more specifically Tim Geitner for continuing this class warfare as I see it, the lack of understanding by them and these executives who just because of where they are and where they came from assures them a level of entitlement, that far exceeds what is appropriate under these circumstances yet they will continue to take what is left of ours and make it theirs without even the courtesy of asking. This is a rough definition of Aristocracy and feudalism in its actual application. IMHO our President is finding that the honeymoon is ending quickly and I hope he is willing to grab the reins with two hands and except the role of changing this epidemic that has swept boardrooms and executive teams well beyond Main streets tolerance level. The day of Aristocracy and greedy entitlement by the captains of industry must end. I do think we all deserve some blame for accepting this behavior for so long in the first place but, now as we bear the burden of the Gentry’s folly our patience has worn thin and the cry for change is rapidly rising to a call for blood.
See this article
This maybe another case of the genie is getting out of another bottle and we risk more tragic headlines. I would suggest that Obama and Geitner listen and learn from our own Massachusetts Governor’s experiences this last few weeks “reform before revenue” is not just a slogan it is the last gasp of those trying to hold back the Mob before take to the streets and act. It may be the last chance to stop the slide by instilling new confidence trough new guidance while just as importantly demonstrating that they hear the murmurs and the growing clamor clearly enough to make meaningfull change. Failing this reform first may result in more then just shouts and slogans for change.
On a personal note I no longer have faith in Tim Geitner as the quarterback of this attempted Hail Mary for me he has shown that his heart is with the Gentry and his ability to understand that this has to change has been lacking at every turn, I also do not believe as a citizen and as an Economist that their are only the few who can get us out of this if this truely were the case would two young men from Chicago rise to the level of Massachusetts Governor and Americas President? If only the American Gentry could succeed then the history of the last 200 years is not worth the paper it was printed on. Good Ideas , the ability to understand, The ability to interpret events, and the ability to mold change out of failure is a critical element to our historic rise as a nation. Our strength has been our ability to innovate to understand a problem and to create change most importantly to make it work. It is time to call on Americans and more importantly those less likely to be corrupted by corporate entitlement to implement new policies that will return our faith and confidence in Government and our economy and leave us with the belief that the American Dream of opportunity for all really exists and will continue to exist. That these two from Chicago are proof not just an exception.
Another week of headlines like the ones of the past week I believe will doom the chances of Deval Patrick and Barack Obama from achieving the goals we all felt they represented and held out the mantle of hope for all of us. We will lose our faith in the system we will lose the confidence necessary to show restraint and we will lost the initiative to lead and have a meaningful future.
It is time to Call it is time to write the letter it is time to give it one more effort it is time to raise out voice with dignity and controll to be heard.
A mob mentality solves nothing but to satisfy the lust for blood and revenge.
As Usual just my Opinion
In April of 2008 I posted this: http://vps28478.inmotionhosting.com/~bluema24/s…
p>While I wish I had been wrong, I did see current events unfolding, and warn.
p>Like Cassandra, I appear to be cursed with clear vision, the ability to warn of coming events – and then having no one listen.
It caused a revolution before and if not stopped will do so again.
p>the “economic” damage caused by corrupt corporate cultures in wall street and Washington is effectively a shadow tax.
p>Since the value of our money is dependent on the faith people have in it. Attacks on that faith, and attacks on the economic power of “working” people is an attack on the national security of the united states.
As Usual just my Opinion
one diligent web researcher has concluded that he never made the statement you assign to him.