An utterly unsurprising pick, and I think a good one. More later….
By the way, if you want to learn more about Judge Sotomayor, your first stop should be the outstanding SCOTUSblog, which consistently offers comprehensive and unbiased coverage of all things Supreme Court-ish. Start here.
UPDATE: Obama’s announcement is live now (10:20 a.m.). One amusing slip o’ the tongue: Obama has declared that the U.S. Constitution has been in effect since roughly the time that Jesus Christ walked the earth. I think he meant to say “two centuries,” but it came out “twenty.” Talk about the time of the founding! đŸ˜€
Also, for some Sotomayor-related hilarity, check out this appalling hit piece by The New Republic’s Jeffrey Rosen and his sad little attempt to explain it, and Glenn Greenwald’s takedown of Rosen. Expect lots more of this over the next several weeks — but also, at the end of the day, expect easy confirmation (barring some unforeseen revelation).
She began as the obvious choice as soon as Souter announced his retirement, and ends as the obvious choice.
p>The politics of the choice is devastating to Republicans — they have to strenuously oppose her pick to give them something to unite them for the time being, but the optics of opposing a nominee who is both a woman and the first Hispanic nominee is terrible. This really puts them in a box. It will be interesting to see at the end of the day how many Republican Senators end up voting against her.
That a landmark case in search law was named United States v Santa. The fact that she ruled for Santa is a good sign, I take it…
…she ruled against Santa in an unrelated case, Santa v. Martians.
p>Maintains strong positions against aliens.
…and by great, I mean horrifically bad.
Will the War on Christmas never end?
A Yankees fan? Come on. You can’t trust those people.
I imagine we can presume Souter was a Sox fan, too…a step back for Red Sox Nation
No judge has done more to save the game of baseball since Kenesaw Mountain Landis.
Can someone please post that picture of the burning blimp?
There will be an attempt to discredit Sonya Sotomayor or anyone that Obama would nominate.
since there are well-funded groups whose job it is to undertake efforts of that kind, but it will gain little traction in the Senate, the only place where it’ll actually matter. My prediction: she has a relatively uneventful confirmation process, and gets about 80 votes.
She is eminently qualified, an excellent choice.
The nomination of _________________ to the Supreme Court is troubling. His (Her?!) public statements make it clear he has an expansive view of the role of the judiciary. Historically, the Court is where judges interpret the Constitution and apply the law. It should never be the place “BAD OUT OF CONTEXT QUOTE” as ____________ has said. Like any nominee, he deserves a fair and thorough hearing. What the American public deserves is a judge who will put the law above his own personal political philosophy
Mitt Romney is running for President in 2012. Otherwise, what reason is there for him to publicly comment?
The partisans are out on both sides. So many Dems saying how this nomination was brilliant! Why is it when Obama nominates someone it is always “brilliant”? The Dem talking heads including the unbiased Chris Mathews, Keith and Rachel will be squirming in their seats over this nomination… and the right-wingers will trash her. Maybe someone should ask her about the Proposition 8 question in CA since her answer will piss off large groups of people no matter what she says.
Romney is not currently an officeholder, especially a Senator, nor does he currently hold any party leadership post. Yes, there will be partisans on both sides, but there’s no reason for a former Governor to speak up just ’cause. Romney is a rather random person to weigh in on this EXCEPT for presidential ambitions.
Perhaps he can add some offensive comments on gays, blacks, women and immigrants, suggest that Utah secede from the Union, cheat on his wife, take some drugs….or else he stands no chance against the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin.
I’m not sure what’s more appalling: Rosen’s weak-kneed effort to engage his critics — failing to follow the maxim that engaging one’s critics lends credence to them (and further revealing how pathetic his so-called reporting was) — or the fact that this little brouhaha (complete with “takedown”) means that people are actually citing and discussing something that the New Republic published.
p>How about this. Isn’t the best way to attack this kind of hack journalism to ignore it? Citing to it, even with a sharp and accurate critique, only leads to a Debate, which allows other bloggers and mass media outlets to cite The Debate (as David did here), which ultimately rewards the very trash that we’re trying to eliminate. The Debate — even when it highlights the flaws in the original hackwork — serves as a viral vehicle for said hackwork. Chalk it up to there being no such thing as bad publicity.
p>So the next time some hack reprints whatever some other communications hack or supporter of a rival told him over a free lunch at the Palm, let’s not increase his readership numbers by linking to him.
I’m all for ignoring the latest from, say, Howie Carr or Jay Severin. But although I’ve never been a fan of Rosen’s work, he is, unfortunately, a widely-read and respected legal commentator. Reasonable people read Rosen, and may be influenced by him. So in this instance, when he has gone completely off the rails in a manner AFAIK unprecedented even for him, I think it’s wise to call him out, loudly and repeatedly. I think that in this case, the publicity for him has been very bad indeed — the story is now not Sotomayor, but Rosen’s shoddy journalism. As it should be.
Those who agree with Rosen’s article will point to it willy-nilly as proof of their position. It’s critical that we do what we can to refute it, lest it go unanswered.
p>We can’t just ignore it and hope everyone else does too.