What kind of care:
Well, read the transcript at the link. Samples include infected and oozing ears, root canals, enlarged gallbladders ready to explode, abscessed teeth…all done in a fair ground.
Who is providing the care? RAM or Remote Area Medical Expedition – the same group that takes volunteer doctors, nurses and dentists to India, Nepal, and Guyana. But RAM views many in these United States to be in as much need as those in Nepal.
When I compare this with the outrageous robbery by the Neo-Guilded Age Bankers of Wall Street, I am ready for real change I can believe in.
Please share widely!
and banking interests. Both political parties were sold a bill of goods that these institutions were “too big to fail.” Well, I’m too big to fail, you’re too big to fail, we’re all too big to fail and those nefarious Bush advisors (especiallly people like Henry Paulsen)are probably enjoying themselves on their yachts and in their penthouses as we now read about the bonuses. The republicans like to brandy about the words “free market” “let the consumer decide” but when push comes to shove their version of capitalism is “screw the other guy” “I got mine, Jack.”
It is not in any way a reflection of the state of the country, in particular, the people of the country. It’s a game of back and forth, buy and sell, bring the price up, sell off, bring the price down. It’s one big manipulation.
It’s also one of the reasons these corporations have to continue to show huge profits. That’s the only way they can stay in the game. In the meantime, prices will remain high, on everything. And the news out this morning is that
incomes have declined.
Good news for the market, because less pay for the people means more profit for the corporations.
No corporation receiving bailout money should be able to give out bonuses – period. Obviously they can’t claim performance. If they were doing their jobs so well they wouldn’t need a bailout, right?
I hope you never need to ask JohnD for a job; he’d find “we WAS robbed” as opposed to “we were robbed” completely unacceptable:)
“We WAS robbed” is a quote from Joe Jacobs, see: http://www.schipul.com/en/quot…
p>It refers to the referees – in this case the FED, the SEC, etc. totally failing to do their job or uphold a righteous result. “We were robbed” is just blandness personified!
We have been robbed.
p>Robbery was done.
p>Robbery happened.
p>Everyone who had a hand in approving the bailouts took our money and gave it to people who don’t deserve it. Robbery, theft, fraud, stealing – call it what you will; it’s outrageous.
So borrowed the reference. I feel, yes, like those responsible for being “referees” of the financial system “threw the game” as it were, and are also pocketing big money…some call this “the foxes watching the hen house”.
p>I call it the regulators robbing – or allowing the robbery – those they were honor bound to protect – a total abdication and violation of fiduciary duty. . . and then profiting themselves, and ensuring that “their kind”, their cousins, classmates, etc. all walked away with at least a cool million.
p>Here are the names of the people who had a “hand in” doing this that you can do something about.
p>Kennedy (absent for vote but supported it)
Kerry Yea
John Olver (D-1 ) Yea Amherst
Richard Neal (D-2 ) Yea Springfield
James McGovern (D-3 ) Yea Worcester
Barney Frank (D-4 ) Yea Newton
Niki Tsongas (D-5 ) Yea Lowell
John Tierney (D-6 ) Yea Salem (voted against 1st Bailout bill)
Edward Markey (D-7 ) Yea Malden
Michael Capuano (D-8 ) Yea Somerville
p>the only dissenters…
p>Stephen Lynch (D-9) Nay South Boston
William Delahunt (D-10 ) Nay Quincy
What else is new? It’s like watching an episode of The Sopranos where Tony and his crew rip off an import/export warehouse (US Treasury) and give stuff away (TARP) to their pals (UAW.)
Actually, I wasn’t familiar with the specific source, but I knew it was a common phrase. In light of recent comments by JohnD I just couldn’t resist:)
p>See, I’m trying. That phrase means I’m agreeing with you Christopher!
p>Next I’m going to be “getting my groove on!” I’ve also started greeting my customers on the phone… “Wurd, JohnD here, Wazzzzzzzuuuuuppppp Mr. Big Timer, Mr High Shot…!”
The government shouldn’t be giving the TARP/TALF bailouts in the first place.
p>Wall Street sharpies will always be WAY SMARTER than a bunch of 30-something government bureaucrats. Smart thinking will ALWAYS DEFEAT the most carefully crafted legislation and regulation.
p>Why do you think Goldman and others rushed to give the funds back?
I was against those bailouts, these crooks can’t be trusted to do the right thing. If they had been allowed to fail they would have learned that you have to have an ethical backbone in order to do business in America. Instead they showed us they can take a handout, and continue to function in the same greedy manner.
p>As much as people (including me)would like to blame our government for this obnoxious display of greed by our corporations, ultimately these companies are responsible for their own behavior. It’s not too late for the government who gave these handouts to step up and make changes that will stop this behavior. Clearly, these powerful and wealthy companies need strong regulations in place to demand that they run their businesses in a way that benefits them, our nation, and it’s people, instead of in a way that benefits them excessively but robs our nation and it’s people.