Despite Eabo’s spin that the warped Obama/Hitler comparisons are the sole product of “Democratic” LaRouche loons, Eabo’s owned and operated blog, Redmassgroup, has crossed into the same hateful rightwing fringe that is fanning the flames of hate in our great country.
There are so many levels that this is disgusting, but I’ll reflect on one. Apparently vile cancer is totally acceptable to a mainstream Republican activist and is not on the fringe of the Republican Party (he is a National Committeeman for the Young Republicans). And they call us moonbats.
Please share widely!
Not acceptable nor likely to lead to the rebirth or health of the Republican party.
I was going to say you’re a bit overwrought, since it was one comment, but then I read the other comments in the thread, like this one.
p>Answer: Nothing. Bush visited schools fairly regularly, and we never said a bad word about it.
p>But I think this is a losing game, getting offended by RMG. I appreciate the opportunity to notice, but we probably shouldn’t linger on it.
Think Tim McViegh…we already have assholes showing up at Obama events with automatic weapons. This kind of hate just increases the anger of some unstable people…and we shouldn’t linger on it?
What does it get you, except an ulcer?
p>Remember, they want you to linger on it.
But I wouldn’t label ALL democrats assholes. I consider Social Darwinists a more polite term.
There is a reason one doesn’t see comments on this blog from nomad very much.
p>To be generous, he might be exceptionally loosely wrapped, even for RMG.
That said, I’m always amused that BMG refers to conservative blogs in the left column as “differently winged” whereas RMG refers to liberal blogs as “moonbats”.
…he was contending that the Jews controlled the media in the US.
Eabo tells me he is no longer a National Committeeman to the Young Republicans…well that certainly changes…nothing.
Then you become a “Young Adult Republican.”
…but I don’t think Eabo is a 40 year old virgin yet.
I think he said he was 38 recently. I do find the number of unmarried 30+ males in the anti-gay marriage and anti-choice crowd amusing. BN Cordeiro of the RNC and C.J. Doyle of the Catholic Action League also come to mind.
Friends and good Catholics.
…your 36th birthday is when you “age out” of Young Democrats and also cease being eligible for a “youth” seat on the DSC or at state convention.
Why is it fine for democrats to compare Bush to Hitler? If you can’t have the stones, move outta the glass house.
taking the high road, and like a true conservative, asserting for the umpteenth time that, 2 wrongs make a right.
p>It’s great to be reminded that conservatives, the champions of individual responsibility and moral fabric, justify their behavior with the rationale of the average five year-old.
p>And for a reality check: what lefties, and not just random commenters on DailyKos, repeated the Bush/Hitler analogy to the point that it became a meme, repeated on lefty blogs and websites, echoed at rallies and emblazoned on tee shirts, and receiving coverage in the national media?
From a right wing blog:
A Short Walk Down Memory Hole Lane
p>This sucky tactic is used by lazy people that want to shock, as opposed to discuss.
p>This sucky tactic has no political affiliation.
p>Leaders of all political persuasions should denounce these tactics.
I also heard that some school districts were being pressured not to show the speech. What’s Obama going to say? I imagine it will just be a pep talk about working hard and staying in school. I got pretty upset when I heard this last night. He’s the President of the United States; he should be heard out. I was originally going to give RMG a pass since we know BMG editors don’t endorse all the comments here, but then I realized EaBo posted the original diary. Even the content isn’t that bad; all it does is provide the document – nothing wrong with that. I would like for EaBo to answer the following questions:
p>Why did you use “indoctrination” in your headline?
What is wrong with the President of the United States addressing students?
Do you really think one speech is going to have that much consequence?
What specifically do you object to regarding the suggested lesson plan provided?
What do you anticipate the message of the speech will be that you find so objectionable?
I don’t think, with due respect to Frank, that we should hold him responsible for every comment on RMG. More discussion here if one is interested.
p>The more interesting point is that the Obama-Hitler campaign, as noted above, has been endorsed by prominent national Republicans like Rush Limbaugh, presumably because they think it is effective.
p>I think, by contrast, that this kind of hysteria will do enormous harm to the general appeal of the Republican Party.
p>In Massachusetts, in particular, I think they are going to do real damage to Charlie Baker’s campaign — perhaps already have done so. How can he run a serious campaign if people with pictures of Hitler and the President together constitute part of his base, as they apparently do, or if, for example, his rallies become forums for birthers and deathers. That’s the subject worth discussing, in my view.
We have Atticus, after all:)
p>When looking into the diary as a whole I noticed that the original diary was EaBo’s and he did use the word “indoctrination” in his headline, so I decided to pursue that angle.
My point is that Eabo has been trying to sell us the BS that the overall “Obama is like Hitler” is coming from the fringe in society…Lyndon LaRouche followers. Well the truth is that Eabo is up to his neck in spreading this shit. Over at RMG, I asked him flat out if he believed that it was reasonable for people to Obama to Hitler. In true Eabo fashion, he did not directly answer the question, but his answer clearly indicates he thinks it is a valid comparison.
p>No Eabo or BCD at BMG can not be held responsible for everything written on their blogs. But there is a huge difference between random writings in comments over a period of time and accepted norm at a blog. Eabo had to use google to find some random BMG posts comparing Bush to Hitler. But Eabo writes a post about Obama “indoctrinating” kids and two people gleefully post Hitler comparisons in the thread. After Eabo has publicly stated at BMG that conservatives are not doing this, his behavior on RMG does the support that contention.
p>Eabo is always spinning and in this case his spin on BMG is totally opposite to to spin on RMG and he deserves to be called out on it.
p>Lastly, I have to agree with you about Baker…I can drop Deval in a second and I really do think Baker is a guy I could see as Governor. But the thought of posters at RMG being part of the winning team is frightening. I’ll be sharing soon a extended conversation I’ve had with Charlie recently. Obviously I crashed a Republican event (I did not pay) and the anti-gay, anti-immigrant, anti-government, teabaggers have a very strong presence at these events. It really gives me pause about even considering Baker.
as the after effect lesson plan, asking student’s “how they can help the president”, amongst other things. If you’ve not seen the lesson plan put out by the Department of Education here it is below. As I told someone by email last night. It’s not the speech per se, it’s the action plan and the words used in it. Government employee’s (teachers) should not be asking students how they can “help” the leader of the government with his agenda. No matter who the president is.
p>President Obama’s Address to Students Across America September 8, 2009 –
Even so, what is the problem with helping the President trying to make the country better? Or to use the cliche, why do you hate America?:)
In the first instance I saw the word “help” in the document (which by the way I DID read on RMG before I asked the questions) the direct object is “our schools” not “the President”. As I look over this document it appears the overall objective is to get students to think critically about how they can be better citizens. Do you REALLY have a problem with that?! It is the presumed goal and obligation of any President to leave the country a better place than he found it. In this context, the one “help the President” reference is clearly in pursuit of this broad goal. The point of the exercise is to get STUDENTS to come up with how they will do this, not to take marching orders from the White House as you seem to imply.
This is what happens when you let the politics of personality overtake your brain. First, what “agenda” are you talking about? Give me the “agenda” that is outlined in this lesson plan.
p>Second, enlisting students’ help in improving America is not a partisan message. Urging students to stay in school, study, and work hard is not a partisan message. George Bush could just as easily given this address and be the “President” of this lesson plan and absolutely nobody could argue otherwise.
unless we have a Republican President, the President isn’t really the President, and he doesn’t really represent the American people.
p>The Presidency isn’t the highest office in the land; the President doesn’t represent the America or the American people. And children should be taught at an early age not to respect those that their parents disagree with.
I gotta hand it to you. You’ve distilled the nation’s psyche in fewer than 60 words. Bravo!
using the word “stupid” to describe the president.
p>I’m sure that did TONS to augment the respect of the office.
did more to diminish the respect of the Office than anyone in modern times, except Nixon. And Bush was stupid. Republicans said it didn’t matter.
p>And what is it with you guys that your first line of attack is that two wrongs make a right?
p>Did you guys learn anything in kindergarten?
for kids to be taught not to respect people their parents don’t agree with. Gotcha.
I didn’t have much respect for Bush’s “intellectual curiosity”, but since he was President I always watched his State of the Union addresses and other major presentations because I believe as an American it’s important to listen to what the President has to say.
school or take your lunch?
p>I realize non-sequiturs and red herrings are part and parcel of what conservatives use to confuse their thinking, but what the hell are you talking about?
p>Wingnuts across the country are urging superintendents to prevent students from hearing a Back to School speech broadcast by the President. They’re making a political issue out of non-political event.
p>When did Democrats and their mouthpieces ever use public school students to promulgate their disapproval of The Worst President Ever?
school or take your lunch?
p>I realize non-sequiturs and red herrings are part and parcel of what conservatives use to confuse their thinking, but what the hell are you talking about?
p>Wingnuts across the country are urging superintendents to prevent students from hearing a Back to School speech broadcast by the President. They’re making a political issue out of non-political event.
p>When did Democrats and their mouthpieces ever use public school students to promulgate their disapproval of The Worst President Ever?
p>”Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”
p>This memo seems to suggest that Barack Obama’s take on that would be:
p>”Ask not what I can do for you, ask what you can do for me, your leader.”
p>”Politics of Personality”? Barack Obama’s entire being, the reason he is in the White House is the politics of personality, and the cult of personality. So spare me the “politics of personality” line ok. I’m not the one who fell for the “politics of personality”.
… how you feel about Reagan. Or is that different, somehow?
Was that indoctrination or was it just a president addressing school children.
and personalizing the highest office in the land.
You like misconstruing what the President says, don’t you? Just like you “misconstrued” a cigarette tax as a tax that was somehow relevant to one’s income a while back.
…for someone exploring the intersection of Godwin’s Law and the Infinite Monkey Theorem.
But like the death panel meme, the right wing has embraced it as a strategy. “Here’s Mike Pence condoning the “tactic.”
p>I apologize if I’m mistaken, but I think you may be falling for a what the right wing sees in us as a weakness: fair-mindedness.
p>I don’t mean to say that all these photos on
Ringo’s website are fakes–I won’t waste my time analyzing all of them (and I’m not an expert anyway)–but some of them clearly look photoshopped to me, specifically those in which the sign in question seems to have been photographed in a different light. In others, the edges of the sign seem to have a sharper resolution than the rest of the picture.
p>Furthermore, unless I’m missing something, none of the pictures is sourced, as far as I can tell. Given the prominence of the U.K. in some of the photos, they could be taken in Great Britain.