Thanks to Adam Reilly for giving some great the Wellesley Doughboy a.k.a.Howire Carr Sponsor Boycott movement.
Next week we will enter into Phase 2. When the time is right the plan will be unleashed to the world. May God save us all.
So in the mean time get the e-mails and phone calls and good old fashion letters out to these sponsors and encourage others to do the same.
We are making noise that they can’t continue to ignore.
And by the way. Don’t forget to check my pithy exchange with Adam at his blog.
Please share widely!
Keep up the fight.
p>Rush got his just comeupance today.
Yes, there is a God.
Blog posting as wine-tasting?
p>This thing is deeper than I thought.
and how about a poll of how many of us have taken advantage of the location to answer nature’s call? I suspect the answer might be higher than the 30.77% (currently showing) of those answering why Ernie wants the Fells preserved.
p>It is one of metro Boston’s most perfect pullover and pee locations.