I really hope Half-Man Regan doesn’t find out who I am. I know of no other way to get my name and restaurant mentioned in the Inside Track.
What started off as a one time post has turned into a possibility.
Sooo let’s keep our eye on the ball People! Here’s the Call List – actually a post then the list – print it out and go.
BTW how do you spell Shar – ma- nee/
And is it Ducks Bed? Dux bed? what the hell is it?
And what’s the pill Howie took to lose weight because he was too fat to be operated on? (how embarrassing) How much $$ did Howie get paid to do their ad. Personally I would of kept that to myself. But Howie only thinks of the money I guess.
There’ the snarkiness we all have grown to love here at BMG. Right?
Special thank yous to Jay Fitzgerald and The Inside Track Gals. We appreciate the shout out to your readers about the Boycott.
Hello Mr. Boch:
I apologies for any inconveniences my pseudonym has caused. At no time have I ever tried to mislead. On many occasions I have made it clear that I am not your son.
Although, may I say Sir, I would be proud to be your son. Or daughter.
I chose the name Ernie Boch, III because it was humorous in context of the message I posted at the time. This was done on the comment section of another blog. I believe it was Dan Kennedy’s but I cannot be sure. This was over three years ago.
I liked the name so much and I was so proud of myself for thinking of it that I chose it as an identity name when I signed-on at Blumass Group on February 23, 2006. Since that time I have been bitching and moaning about one thing or another almost exclusively at this blog. Occasionally I post on Dan Kennedy’s blog, David Bernsteins’s blog, and Adam Reilly’s Blog. And Red Mass Group (no link provided0.
I have not sent out any e-mails or forwarded my call for the boycott to anyone. Therefore no one should be receiving unsolicited e-mails or calls from strangers claiming to be Ernie Boch, III.
I am just a private citizen wishing to express my opinion. The blog allows me to do this. I do not care how many people or who read my posts. I receive no compensation from any person to write me opinions. I am not part of a business model.
I am part of a free people that cherish the right to express one-self without fear of reprisal. The Federalist Papers are the most referenced while arguing in favor of this right and its moral and ethical validations.
I can see however Sir, that because of the notoriety and following my posts have received there may be some unintentional consequences. Please remember Sir, other than my postings to a very limited number of topic specific blogs, I have not done any marketing.
A very small and limited readership has grown into a very small and limited readership.
Therefore Mr. Boch I am offering you all rights and reserves for the name Ernie Boch, III. Do with it what you chose. I will never use that handle again or anything with the “Ernie Boch” name.
My asking price? One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00 U.S.) A portion of which will be donated in your name to a charity.
I am sure Pay-Pal can handle this and we can make it kosher with the IRS.
Ernie Boch, III
While you’re reading, I’ve always wondered something.
p>You run those commercials where you wield the welding torch. I’m guessing you don’t do a lot of actual welding.
p>Have you considered a commercial where you show some of your staff doing their jobs, instead of you pretending to do their jobs?
p>You could still stand right next to your actual employee and do say Come On Down and stuff.
Pinky up!
a jerk?
p>I’m making a list JimC.
Like I wasn’t already on it.
As are we all.
with your New Hamshire friends then with your MA friends.
p>Like they’re your friends at college and we are you Somerville friends. May the two never meet.
Different contexts.
p>I had to give them the highlights. Plus, nowhere did I say outright that you’re a jerk — I see phrases like “mean at times,” and “freedom to be a jerk.” Nothing I haven’t said to your face.
If I saw Zeus in his full glory, I’d perish.
never about Ernie Boch, III.
p>/snark off
p>Seriously, this could be the most narcissistic boycott ever. Nonetheless, I’m still hoping for victory.
Seriously. If anyone else proposed this boycott, at best it would have been front paged, or recommended, but would have fallen off the radar screen a day or so later.
p>With all due respect to Bob, David, and Charley, and the great job they do here, BMG seems to average about 3,500 unique visitors a day- hardly a large enough audience to mount a boycott big enough to scare the sponsors of a guy who reaches 150,000 in the paper and at least thrice that on the radio. (Of even less efficacy is the counter-boycott over at RMG.)
p>Had EB3 chosen a different local-celebrity-inspired nom de plume way back when- say, Rex Trailer, III, Captain Bob, III, or Mario Perillo, III- this boycott would have been ignored. But EB3 had the misfortune to choose a handle for himself that spoofs one of Howie’s wealthy- and media loving- pals.
p>[All this aside, I like the idea of the boycott. However, I don’t actually happen to patronize any of those places or use those products in the first place! Nothing against them, they just aren’t on my radar screen.]
Certainly, our traffic is orders of magnitude smaller than that of the Herald or WRKO. But advertisers are very sensitive to getting complaints like this from customers. I’d think it wouldn’t take more than a hundred or so in a week for them to start thinking about it. Businesses are generally controversy-averse — they just want to sell you stuff.
don’t have to be people who actually buy the advertised products. So far, an advertiser can’t tell whether a complainer is a customer or not, so they can’t afford to ignore complaints.
but IMHO the person who really ignited this story unintentionally was Jr. himself. How did the story get on the Inside Track to begin with? Then making sure the Herald quotes you putting out a bounty. It’s all just downright bizarre behavior.
Uh, I think not. đŸ˜‰ I can only think of one way the Track gets the story, and it starts with the real Ernie’s cell phone.
If you read the Track on a consistent basis, you would know that George Regan and EB Jr. are regulars. Frankly, it’s one of the reasons why the Track is such a crappy gossip column 95% of the time — because they are too lazy to get any real gossip and spend their column inches telling us that Georgie went to the Pats game and then had dinner at Davio’s or Jr.’s “band” is playing some charity gig somewhere.
p>Also, SBLI, which was the advertiser that set this whole thing off in the first place, is one of George’s clients.
DCA-Boston is correct. Regan has the Track Girls on speed dial.
p>I think everyone is missing the point here including EB3.
p>EBjr is an attention whore and this has nothing to do with Howie Carr.
p>Jr. would happily keep this going until it makes the nightly news and beyond.
I just put the boycott out there. Like I do many things.
p>Remember me suggesting the BMC PAC? Well I did. More than one.
p>I didn’t write Howie or vennochi’s columns. or the Inside Track Piece. or make Ernie Jr. put a bounty on me.
p>So as for the narcissistic comment please back it up with facts. You seem more like the self-promoting type.
Albeit an unsucesful one. Ouch!
p>Make you case Ryan.
p>Or Scraroo!
But not a single person out there doesn’t think you’re not actually enjoying this. But hey, I support your efforts — what else would you want from me? Be happy that some people are enjoying this… it’s more likely they’ll participate.
p>As for personal self promotion, I’m more of a behind-the-scenes kind of guy; I actually wish I decided to create a pseudonym just like you way back when I started. I dabbled in some ideas. Barry, Elliot & Ryan. Reformed Sal. Deval Tastick. Peter Penguin. JQA, Jr. Or should I just go with Mysterioso?
People will take you to be the father of WWE wrestler Rey Mysterioso, Jr., and we’re trapped in this cycle all over again.
I’ve just got to step in here and say something before this debacle goes too far.
p>The Toto Washlet technology is remarkable. My father has one in Japan (they are quite common over there). A seat warmer, the bidet plumbing, automatic sensing seat lifting (solving the age old male-female conflict on the matter), and even a button to make simulated water running noises (Japanese people are easily embarrassed by sounds they might make, but they don’t want to waste actual water by running the tap – a function apparently not available in US version). A week with this device might lead to some serious introspection on what civilized life is.
p>Ok, I had to set the record straight. Continue all.
is Georgie Regan’s hair this week. Flaming red?