Currently, there is no dominant political organization that can harness the full potential of the Indian diaspora. This is where Hindu Democrats finds its niche. Hindu Democrats seeks to mobilize the Indian American bloc in the United States through values based appeals in order to support Democratic candidates with a frugal, moral, and disciplined approach to governing; the same qualities which has made the Indian-American community so successful in the first place. The end state is a consistent stream of funds to support Democratic candidates, as well as a more engaged Indian Americans constituency to continue solidifying Democratic agendas across the nation.
Please share widely!
Most of us are here as individual democratic activists and it’s great to know that there is a group that our Indian American friends might join and help you strengthen our Democratic party.
Of course, I wish you had endorsed the best candidate (Coakley)…
p>Hope we’ll hear more from you here on BMG in the future.
you cited Cap’s Catholicism as a positive, yet he breaks with Catholic orthodoxy on two of the Church’s current bigtime hangups. I will willingly admit I know very very little about Hinduism. The whole subcontinent is kind of a black spot in my formal historical education, unfortuneately. However, I know much about Catholicism, and he is probably not in good standing with Rome.
p>Also, are you attempting to be an advocate for the liberal Hindi or of Indians in general?
p>India is 80% Hindu. Granted, this is a large majority, it still means that the non-Hindu people in India is 2/3 the population of the United States. I would suggest you either stick to being Hindu or not try to be the niche for all Indians, but that’s just my opinion there.
we’ve heard a lot about this, but do think that we are in a unique position to bridge the gap between the indian diaspora and hindu diaspora. there are indian democratic organizations and hindu american organizations, but nothing that is politically motivated from a hindu perspective. as most indians are hindu, we figured there might be a market for what we are trying to do. in the end, though, we hope to spur a discussion of any religion within the Party. I encourage you to look at groups like Catholic Democrats to see how Catholics are quite able to justify the actions of the Democratic Party.
p>thanks for listening!
p>Judging whether or not another person is in good graces with his or her religion is dangerous turf. Publicly questioning the holiness of others is frowned upon in just about every holy text.
and such is no secret to anyone. I will tread lightly but not forsake pointing out obvious ideological conflicts that cause one to be taken out of the fold.
I reread the diary several times and there is no mention of Capuano being a good Catholic. What the diarist suggested is the people should not shy away from their faith. Do not confuse faith with religion. Capuano’s FAITH may very well conflict with the tenets of his RELIGION, but that does not make his faith less valid. I believe the diarist’s point was that people should not be afraid to speak openly about their own faith and how it might impact their public conduct.…
and how are they different from Indian American issues? I’m asking (as an Indian American) for specifics. Also, how do these issues align with Democrats. “Frugal, moral, and disciplined” could apply to Republicans, Democrats and others.
p>My concerns:
* You call yourself Hindu Democrats, but speak for the Indian American community. How are you different from Indian Americans PACs/etc, and if there isn’t much difference, why limit your scope to just Hindus?
* Hindu politics in India is fairly right-wing and hawkish.
p>I don’t doubt that there is a place for your PAC. I just wanted specific political issues that you think Hindu Democrats should support, advocate.
Our executive director, bharat krishnan, will email you the Hindu Democrats FAQ shortly which will hopefully clear up any questions you have.
I guess you don’t have an email ID readily accessible online. I will post our faq in a separate diary right now.