Mayor John Barrett III’s 26 year successful electoral run as Mayor of North Adams came to an end tonight as City Councilor Dick Alcombright handily walked away with the race 59% to 41%.
Diary posted on Sunday, referencing this press release.
Congratulations to Coakley and her political machine. They were decisive in the 5,000 vote election in the mayors race in North Adams. It is quite impressive that a state wide office holder can have such huge influence over the town that she grew up in. Must be nice to have gone to grammar school with an attorney general.
And here we thought Coakley was being cautious! She really showed her courage and bravery by endorsing in a 5,000 vote race. Beware what happens when you go against Coakley. It was childish for her to endorse in this race. Grow up.
She is widely admired here and has a place on the local high school wall of fame, etc… She held a swearing in ceremony here in North Adams when she won AG.
p>Not only did the current Mayor, Barrett, endorse Capuano, but he took a very public and nasty swipe at her in the paper, evidently because he felt betrayed by one of her current employees.
p>It is a little silly to see small town politics from afar, but this is the same Mayor who got then guv Jane Swift’s last minute endorsement during his last really tight race, even though Barrett is a Dem and the challenger was a Republican.
p>Also, John Kerry endorsed Barrett this time around after Coakley endorsed Alcombright.
p>It is not as simple as tit for tat.
How nice for Coakley that she’s able to use her post to inappropriately influence the outcome of a municipal election in a town of 14,000 people. It’s clear that her involvement was nothing more than a way to get redress for an endorsement that didn’t swing her way. That kind of petulance is reeeeally something to be proud of.
Oh yes – here on BMG. A bit of hard ball politics from that woman candidate who doesn’t do politics well.
Diary posted on Sunday, referencing this press release.
Congratulations to Coakley and her political machine. They were decisive in the 5,000 vote election in the mayors race in North Adams. It is quite impressive that a state wide office holder can have such huge influence over the town that she grew up in. Must be nice to have gone to grammar school with an attorney general.
And here we thought Coakley was being cautious! She really showed her courage and bravery by endorsing in a 5,000 vote race. Beware what happens when you go against Coakley. It was childish for her to endorse in this race. Grow up.
She is widely admired here and has a place on the local high school wall of fame, etc… She held a swearing in ceremony here in North Adams when she won AG.
p>Not only did the current Mayor, Barrett, endorse Capuano, but he took a very public and nasty swipe at her in the paper, evidently because he felt betrayed by one of her current employees.
p>It is a little silly to see small town politics from afar, but this is the same Mayor who got then guv Jane Swift’s last minute endorsement during his last really tight race, even though Barrett is a Dem and the challenger was a Republican.
p>Also, John Kerry endorsed Barrett this time around after Coakley endorsed Alcombright.
p>It is not as simple as tit for tat.
How nice for Coakley that she’s able to use her post to inappropriately influence the outcome of a municipal election in a town of 14,000 people. It’s clear that her involvement was nothing more than a way to get redress for an endorsement that didn’t swing her way. That kind of petulance is reeeeally something to be proud of.