Let us focus on one little manifestation of this arrogance:
The idea that you are being punished, and were in 1994, and will be again in the fall, for NOT passing health care.
(Logically speaking, this is even worse than Krugman claiming that the reason the stimulus failed was that it wasn’t big enough!)
When you finally realize how incredibly stupid this idea is, I hope you search out it originator and promise yourselves never to listen to him/her or anyone else who promoted it, ever again. This idea – that voters are actually mad that you are NOT PASSING healthcare, is absurd. Look at any poll. Listen to what people are saying. Look at the ridiculous bribes in the bill. It is a monstrosity. Kill it, or it will kill you all.
The arrogance comes in, once again, when you tell yourselves that “once we pass the bill, then people will realize that it is actually good”. Can you even believe this line? What if someone used it on you? What would you think?
Folks, once you pass the bill, you are doomed. Kill it and save yourselves. Or, let your arrogance be your destruction.
To conclude, lets see how BMGer’s rated the horrific comment that I let this post off with:
Others have rated this comment as follows:
billxi 3
janalfi 5
portia 6
Kathy 6
huh 6
StephGM 6
The Caped Composer 6
stomv 6
Andover Republican 0
joets says
The whole thing that their problem IS NOT that they aren’t running to the left enough, but I decided to just let them do it.
p>It really is absurd to think that the remedy to politicians running to far to the center-right would be electing someone farther to the right. It just shows the extreme, dangerous, and disconnected reasoning of the progressives.
p>The arrogance works for them because they stop viewing you and me as citizens. We’re just “teabaggers”. We aren’t people, we are an untermensch. We are not taxpayers, we are bigots. We are not reasonable, we are obstructionists.
p>As long as they abide by the language that allows them to view us as something less on the great chain of being than themselves, they will continue to have the progressive superiority complex, and they will continue wish they elected Democrats rather than progressives.
huh says
I can make a far stronger case that you and JohnD view liberals, especially gays, as non-citizens. In fact, your candidate, now our senator, is a famous advocate for stripping gay people of rights.
p>Also, if we’re arrogant elitists, why did every pro-Brown e-mail blast and facebook plea included a call to “intelligent” or “smart” voters?
joets says
You really are off your rocker.
huh says
Classless, even in victory.
johnd says
Don’t let him near any sharp objects.
p>I know Scott Brown is a famous advocate for posing nude for Cosmo but I didn’t know he…
huh says
p>Which Massachusetts senator voted against gay marriage?
p>And which one referred to Cheryl Jaques having children as “not normal.”?
p>And which one supports DOMA and don’t ask don’t tell?
p>And which one opposes gay adoption?
huh says
JohnD today has accused the entire blog of having their head up their asses and asserted that I’m mentally ill. Seems like a direct violation.
joets says
boo hoo, who’s whining now?
johnd says
WHat will they do when Kerry’s ass gets booted. “Lovey, what will I do now, I can’t go wind-surfing EVERY day.”
huh says
…that complaining about political smack talk is whiney?
p>BTW, you can’t claim to be pro-gay and gloat about the election of one of the most anti-gay candidates in recent history. It makes you seem like a creepy hypocrite.
p>Tak about poor winners…
joets says
Where did I express anything anti-gay, for that matter?
p>Zzzzz. You must own a lot of yippy dogs. People emulate the pets they own.
huh says
Try reading what I wrote. I said you can’t claim to be “PRO GAY” and gloat about the election of Scott Brown. We can say “celebrate” if you like.
huh says
No dogs. Cats. Two big fat mellow tabbies. Excellent mousers, both of them.
johnk says
johnd says
Typically, BMGers might be able to dismiss such invective as “fringe”… but when the core lefty BMGers give 6’s, we see how low they are.
huh says
It’s smack talk, nothing more, nothing less. Plus a call to stop fighting and unite behind Coakley. He was absolutely right.
p>Even in victory, you guys are amazing whiners. Especially JoeTS.
demolisher says
We can say whatever we want because its just smack talk? I wonder how much of everything you say is just BS smack talk, then? How do you distinguish between things that you believe are true, and just smack talk?
p>Calling your opponents:
p>could certainly qualify as smack-talk. (Never mind what would happen to any post calling you all names anything remotely like this) But it could also qualify as arrogance, as dehumanizing your opponents, and as general cluelessness. I dunno, maybe its all of the above.
p>I’m not whining, just trying to help. Why? Because the things your side does still impact the country.
p>For now.
huh says
You’re not even trying. Classless, even in victory.
p>Enjoy that JohnD 6.
demolisher says
has no business telling anyone else about class.
bob-neer says
Brown won. Congratulations.
peter-porcupine says
edgarthearmenian says
Remember, winners and/or losers really don’t care about us. Take care of yourself first. I am not going hoopie in the other direction just because Brown won. It’s just another day and another week of doctor’s appointments as far as I am concerned.
huh says
…to your buddy JohnD. Gloating is bad enough. Then there’s this:
p>Welcome to your new world, Edgar. Hope you enjoy it.