Cosmo dug through its archives and found naked pics of Scott Brown. It really doesn’t bother me, but the fact that if Martha Coakley had done the same thing she never would have been elected to anything bothers the hell out of me.
Massive double standards still exist when it comes to women.
UPDATE: OK, I see that David posted this back in September, but still….
Please share widely!
peter-porcupine says
somervilletom says
I know it’s old news, but the double-standard is still very much alive.
p>I don’t remember hearing many Republicans whining about “old news” when Chappaquiddick was raised at every opportunity, nearly forty years later.
p>I don’t have any problem with Scott Brown’s short-lived nude modeling career. I wish I could believe that you and the GOP would feel the same if it were poses of Martha Coakley from 1982 that we were discussing.
liveandletlive says
the GOP would have it on national news, every day and every night. Martha Coakley would be toast. It is a double standard.
p>Why can’t the Dems be just as obnoxious. Someone should be talking about this to NECN, MSNBC, and CNN. I am certain that Keith Olbermann would be happy to pick up this story.
kbusch says
There’s an asymmetry unfortunately. The Democratic voting base is turned off by that kind of obnoxiousness, the Republican voting base much less so.
p>LightIris got me interested in Jonathan Haidt’s work. On the 5 dimensions of human morality (harm/care, fairness, ingroup/loyalty, authority/respect, purity/sanctity), we liberals tend to place a much lighter emphasis on ingroup/loyalty and authority/respect than conservatives. Or put more baldly, we’re less tribal. (A conservative might say we’re less loyal.)
liveandletlive says
then you would think the Dems could get past it and learn to fight back more. It seems to hold true for leadership too, since our current majority and President are more concerned with bipartisanship, compromise, and giving to the other party than they are with passing strong legistlation chuck full of Democratic values and principles. It is an incredibly irritating trait that seems to cost us so much.
kbusch says
We liberals try so hard to be understanding and inclusive.
liveandletlive says
even Morning Joe. Everyone must write to them and ask.
p>Here are the web pages to send an email
p>Morning Joe
p>Morning Joe Send us interesting or funny videos and links
p>Rachel Maddow
p>Maddow and Countdown sites both wanted to bypass Protected mode to send an email. Not going to do it.
p>But I will email out to Morning Joe.
liveandletlive says
also noted how if a woman had done this, she would be toast.
I think it is worth a discussion, especially since Hillary Clinton’s pants suits were often discussed during the 2008 primary. Scott Browns naked body is definitely worthy of some commentary.
gregr says
I was recuperating from surgery rather than surfing the web. You’ll have to forgive me for missing what should be considered trivia.
p>All the same, I bet 90% of the voters in Mass have no clue about this. It’s just a little salacious and the media would be loving it if it were a woman.
p>Also, if Sarah Palin can demean Levi for similar work…..
peter-porcupine says
It’s mainly Democrats who are obviously threatened by the naked human body if it’s male…
janalfi says
PALIN: Kind of this aspiring – aspiring porn, some of the things that he’s doing. It’s kind of heartbreaking.
p>OPRAH WINFREY: The Playgirl centerfold?
p>PALIN: Right. It’s – I call that porn, yes.
peter-porcupine says
kathy says
:roll eyes:
huh says
PP is a a state government employee.
kathy says
Figures. Biting the hand that feeds her and her retirement. I wonder if she’ll decline her pension…
janalfi says
p>I guess Republicans are intimidated by fact checking rather than nudity. And FYI that clip of Palin dissing Levi Johnston on Oprah was re-played on many news and cable shows that aired well after working hours.
farnkoff says
“I work for a living” crack. Good grief.
justice4all says
Yeah, terrible. And speaking as someone who has only seen Oprah when I’m on vacation or home sick – I get PP’s remark. Maybe you have to be of “a certain age” to understand, but most working people aren’t home catching Oprah in the afternoon. I thought it was a legit statement.
kathy says
Many of our differently-winged friends who post here have used this in the past to try to discount our arguments.
farnkoff says
Which, to me, contained a number of bogus implications. Such as:
1. PP is one of the only people on BMG with a job (which is why he’s so conservative, get it?)
2. Janalfi must not have a job if s/he knew what Palin said on Oprah, and must sit around all day watching t.v.
3. Everyone who works must work a standard 9-5 schedule
4. The fact that PP has a job (and, presumably, a very demanding job at that) makes him vastly superior to those who are currently unemployed or are underemployed.
p>Maybe the Patriots’ crushing at the hands of the Ravens had me in a hypersensitive bad mood.
kathy says
So she quite literally is part of the problem, according to her party. đŸ˜‰
p>I wonder if she is going to give up her perks and benefits, not to mention her pension, to save us taxpayers a few bucks.
peter-porcupine says
I was mocking the alleged ‘universality’ of some afternoon talk show – the level of response almost looks like guilty conscience. I mean really, who DOES watch that Springer/Oprah/Dr. Phil crap? If it was on the news, it was easy to miss, as I had truly never heard of it.
p>My implication was that ALL of you had better things to do, and that an Oprah chat was hardly the National Review or The Nation.
frankskeffington says
Greg can be cut some slack if he didn’t know that Brown posed nude 30 some years ago, or swore at high school students in front of hundreds of teenagers.
p>Hey Greg have you seen the new Brown TV commercial featuring him dressed in his uniform. There is fine print under the photo wich I sure your friend would points out covers Browns butt, but I do wonder what your friends take would be.
frankskeffington says…
huh says
Wow. Just wow.
burlington-maul says
billxi says
The video of Scott’s wife in a bikini. Wow, Republicans take their clothes off too.
john-from-lowell says
Anyone get the impression that this family loves the spotlight?
p>Mom- On TV, News
Daughter- On TV, Talent Show
Dad- In Cosmo, now on TV a lot.
p>These are not shy people.
p>I’d just rather see the Hennes, than see Scott Brown’s hiney. :v)
joets says
Would you like to see Scott Brown ineligable to win so that both sexes can’t make mistakes or experiment when they are young, or would you like the media to lay off women?
p>If youre trying to make the double standard argument, this would be better to bring up the next time a woman is in a similar position in the spotlight, rather than simply posting it here and gasping at the humanity of it all.
justice4all says
(no pun intended) I am less interested in the youthful hijinks of this man than I am in the issues. Right now, healthcare reform’s gift to unions, ie the tax on our healthcare insurers on “high cost premiums” which most assuredly will be passed on to the consumer, concerns me greatly. This administration may see police, fire and teacher’s healthcare packages in Massachusetts as premium or “cadillac” – but I can assure you that our pockets are neither. We’re just regular “workaday” folks living check to check and if this goes through, it’s another tax on the middle class.
gregr says
However, I think that the societal solution lies in equal media coverage so that people are forced to confront their own perceptual hypocrisies.
mizjones says
is justification for removal from office? And why was the consensual sex anyone’s business in the first place?
p>And paying for sex (not a crime for the payer) is scandalous enough to be leaked and reported by adversaries, leading to a governor’s resignation?
p>I personally care about issues and actions that affect the public at large. I don’t care who posed where and who they slept with, as long as they were all consenting adults. The points of the original post were the hypocrisy on the part of the so-called family values party and the double standard for women vs men.
billxi says
Mr. Clinton’s “consensual sex” was not with his wife.
Prostitution: was legal in RI until just last year.
What we have here is Democrats becoming outraged because Republicans are honestly doing what Democrats couldn’t stop doing when they reach the legal limit. See: Gooch, per diems…
potroast says
Porn is OK.
p>Same Sex Families are Not!
liveandletlive says
Let’s spread the joy.