Who are the Tea Party Crowd? According to an op-ed in today’s LA Times by Boston Democratic Consultant Jim Spencer and New York Political Consultant, Curtis Ellis, the people fueling the Tea Party movement could be the same people who protested Vietnam – and partied at Woodstock. Who’s got a take on this?
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Lots of late 50’s – early 60’s there. But even more – late 20’s, early 30’s who are VERY upset about the credit card mentality of government. THEY will be paying off those bonds….
Look up the Tea Party protests and marches on You Tube. It’s amazing how many are children of the 60s. I guess these folk are used to protesting.
is glib. The teapartiers have more in common with the other side of the Sixties: the Orthogonians.
p>Tea partiers are like the angry suburbanites that Nixon and Reagan appealed to in the 1960s and 1970s. Rick Perlstein, as George “Even a Stopped Clock is Right Twice a Day” Will acknowledges, described them:
Considering that the majority of baby-boomers voted for Nixon in 1968 and 1972, were the largest single component within the 1968 Wallace campaign; were the age cohort most supportive of Reagan, and so on…
p>Relative to the Sixties “Movement”:
p>As the historian John Hope Franklin was fond of saying, the New Left was neither new, nor a Left.
This is a good read.
Partly the 911truthers, the subset of this group who knows elite globalists own not only “our” government but also the other governments too.
The Bilderberg group watchers
The Alex Jones crowd.
p>Basically anyone who does not adhere to Obama’s globalized tyranny.