Tonight I tried to send my Senator a quick note regarding my opinions on health policy. However I have hit a roadblock.
Two months after his election and over a month since his swearing in, Senator Brown’s staff has not put an email address, email form, or fax number on the Senator’s official web site.
Why not? It’s not that hard and the Senate provides all the tubes? It’s 2010, forpetesake!
So, tomorrow I shall call his office, but along with a quick comment on healthcare, I will also chide his staffers about actual constituent communications.
Perhaps the good Senator should stop playing celebrity and should start working for Massachusetts. 2012 needs to come soon!
Please share widely!
and the tea partiers, so who else in the state does he need to talk to? I mean, get real!
You might want to leave your quick note there.
Scott Brown is fond of telling us what his victory signified. Since his victory was by definition a victory for the people, he can speak only for the people and therefore requires no input from them unless they are dedicated to fawning over Scott Brown at photo-ops.
I called during business hours on two occasions and got voice mail both times. When I call Kerry or Capuano, I get a human almost immediately.
Perhaps Senator S. Brown will make Senator Kerry’s constituent services look better.
Interesting that his staff has the time to update his homepage with the latest appearances of Senator Centerfold (R-MA) on TV and on the floor, yet they don’t have the ability to create a simple form or mailto link or add a fax number for one of the two offices. Maybe they’ll add that stuff when the link to buy his book is placed on the homepage?
p>Remember – he’s a Republican first, and the Senator from Massachusetts second. Unfortunately, the Mass part conflicts with being a Republican, so it’s easier to just ignore the Massholes and latch on to the ideological teat of John McCain.
p>Remember – It’s not the Kennedy seat, it’s Scott Brown’s throne.
Yeeaah, yell at the intern that answers your call. That should make you feel better.
…even to an intern.
Ask my wife, employees, etc…
p>However, I do know that every phone call received in a congressional office is logged, and if they are professional, notes are taken, as well.
But I’m sure you can get your point across without “chiding his staffers.” (Your words)
I see nothing wrong with chiding in this case.
that the web site should have contact information. They deserve to be told that – as someone on the staff likely has the responsibility of creating and maintaining the website – unless Brown outsources that.
If the staffer doesn’t like their job, they can find another phone to answer.
p>The staff will be the first to know, if Scott Brown is made of the stuff his promoters say. This is a guy that flirts with 2012. I’m sure his staff thinks of this when they snuggle their pillow at night.
p>However, I don’t advocate bullying staff. It’s just ignant.
I addressed the website/email thing. His staffer said they had an email, they just hadn’t posted it yet. Huge help.
p>I also said I thought he was insincere when he said that the health care bill was a “government takeover” of healthcare, even though it doesn’t have a public option. She said she’d pass my concerns along, without asking my name or city.
p>Thanks, Senator Brown. I feel totally well represented.
we could help out the senator bunches by advertising it here.
p>I’ve not received any response from anything I’ve sent, but I’ve been sending.
A few weeks after he took office, I wanted to call his office about something and the web site at the time had no contact information whatsoever. I went through the Congressional switchboard number, and I complained to them about that.
Congressional phone numbers don’t change with a change in the occupant of the seat. The main number stays with the office, so Brown’s number is the same as Kennedy’s office main number. Same thing with the House delegation.
Which makes it even worse that it took them so long to put the number on the web site.