Speaker DeLeo used campaign donations to pay for that Spectrum “study” for that slots bill most of you just voted for, that Spectrum Gaming is now on Speaker DeLeo’s campaign payroll? How do you think your constituents will feel about that? Still glad you blocked any sort of public hearing or comprehensive, independent cost-benefit analysis? April 27th is a longer ways off than some of you may have thought…
Just sayin’.
Please share widely!
The final bill should be carefully thought out. I’m not happy with the way the house passed their version. While I don’t think the Senate should artificially delay passing this, they should definitely work to pass a strong bill that maintains a lot of control over how casinos will operate in this state.
Whether you oppose or support the casino bill, it should concern all citizens that the bill was written in a closed door session with casino lobbyists and then rammed through the house without debate.
p>The senate is doing it right, they are going to finish the budget – which is rightly a higher priority, and then they will take a fresh look at the casino bill, and hold public hearings.
p>Our legislature is doing things right for once.
Careful. If you start making things up, people will stop listening to you.
is the top agenda of the Illuminati Plan to Destroy America so yeah, nobody listens after those words but hey casinos are a done deal.
If she personally gets the blame for everything that “the Senate” does wrong, at least give her credit for what is done right on her word.