At his English High campaign kick-off, I asked Governor Patrick to meet with me to discuss the Liberty Mutual tax break. He said, “I can help you with that,” and asked his aide to give me his contact information to arrange a meeting. That got me nowhere, so I called his scheduler, who told me that there was absolutely no chance the Governor would see me. I told her he knows me and personally instructed me to make an appointment. She said, “He says that when he’s out on the campaign trail, but it’s not going to happen,” and shunted me off to some department functionary. Patrick does know me, and he knows that I know the details about this scandalous tax boondoggle.
When he first ran for office, he told me personally, and told the Globe, that he knows tax “incentives” are not really incentives because they don’t really sway business decisions. This hasn’t stopped the state’s corporate gravy train.
I want him to face me and tell me why he gave away $22.5 million in state money, and allowed the give-away of $16 million in city money, to a company that is no needier than…well, than JPMorgan, who got the previous TIF give-away, or Manulife, which got the one before, or the Jurys Hotel Company, which got the one before that. I want him to tell me why he did this to us when he’s cutting services to the bone.
And, since I know he knows there was no good reason, I want him to rescind it. Liberty will go on doing whatever it was going to do without our money; this is one of the richest corporations in the world. And they admitted publicly that they have no intention of leaving Boston, so there’s no risk of losing their precious “corporate headquarters.”
I imagine that corporations don’t have to beg to see the governor; they can ask him for money whenever they want to. And get it.
It’s a fitting follow-up to the action of his rally gatekeeper, who told me I couldn’t get in the door unless I signed a card pledging to vote for him.
So much for civic engagement. Together we might have.
liveandletlive says
for fighting this fight. I am willing to pay taxes to support the poor and disabled, children, veterans, infrastructure and education. I am not willing to pay taxes for corporate welfare. Just not willing to do it. It’s just a shame that Governor Patrick will cut needed services, propose tax increases on the working/middle class and then give a tax break to Liberty Mutual.
liveandletlive says
I’ve written to him several times. His office never responds. Not even a confirmation email saying his office received your comments/questions.
amberpaw says
At events like “Town Hall Meetings” Governor Patrick is warm and friendly, and appears to listen. Follow ups are promised. Letters are sent (by me) and even “White Papers” and copies of primary documents – no appointments, phone calls, acknowledgments or responsive letters are ever received. Back in November of 2008 I notified the Governor in writing and in person three times at events that the entire category “Guardian ad Litem for Education” and “Guardian ad Litem for Best Interests” for kids in DCF custody had been eliminated and placed kids at risk. No response at all. Now a well-funded foundation has filed suit against Gov. Patrick’s administration over the shameful treatment of children in state custody – this could have been avoided – he was warned, but my material apparently simply dropped down a black hole. What law suit? See: Lawsuit against Governor Patrick and his administration
christopher says
…who may want to consider updating her resume.
shirleykressel says
…maybe Deval Patrick has to update his resume.
christopher says
She was doing what she may have thought was her job, but she poorly represented the Governor in her exchange with you. I’ve heard enough stories of the Governor himself being quite responsive to believe that your initial encounter with him directly is more indicative of how he acts and wishes to present himself.
johnny-reason says
ms says
To get elected, you need campaign cash. A big company like Liberty Mutual has a lot of cash. And now, due to our Heroic US Supreme Court, they can spend whatever they want for or against any candidate.
p>Hip, Hip Hooray!!!!!!! Whippeee-Woo!!!!!!!!!
p>What a glorious gift from our rulers in big business!!
p>Wouldn’t our lives just be meaningless without getting swamped with political ads letting us know that Corporate Whore Candidate cherishes Faith and Family and our Cherished Hometown Values.
p>If all campaigns were funded by taxpayer money, and private political money was outlawed, then you could get Liberty Mutual to pay their fair share.
p>But, because all candidates need money for electioneering, Liberty Mutual gets tax breaks so that they shut up and butt out.