While he and Grossman each propose a half billion dollar fund for such goals, Murphy would like MA to go solo on this. It would require making those safe investment decisions with the pension money, but a fund solely with state money would be “not to buttress banks but to be the bank.” He said his approach would be “cleaner and neater.”
He says Treasurer Cahill has not been aggressive enough in using the billions under his control to help the companies and workers in the state. He touches on Polito’s “stunt” of wanting to limit pensions of state employees. He addresses casinos and slots (he favors House Speaker DeLeo’s proposal). Also, he describes how necessary health-cost reform will be to our economic recovery.
Murphy says he has a good shot at the required 15% of delegates from the June 5th party convention. Then he and Grossman would contend for the September primary.
Listen in as he describes his qualifications and intentions. He notes that he is the only candidate for treasurer from a working-class background and says why that’s important.
Could you put a “Convention Links” block up so there is easy access to candidate postings and helpful posts such as this one.
p>Thank you for sharing massmarrier.