Does he now realize that corporate welfare will not generate significant job growth, but a strong healthy working/middle class will? In this letter to Congress, President Obama is urging “swift action on several critical priorities that will give our Nation’s small businesses added impetus to hire and grow and address the devastating economic impact of budget cuts at the state and local levels that are leading to massive layoffs of teachers, police and firefighters.”
It means everything to read this:
If we allow layoffs to go forward, it will not only mean hundreds of thousands fewer teachers in our classrooms, firefighters on call and police officers on the beat, it will also mean more costs helping these Americans look for new work, while their lost paychecks will mean less tax revenues and less demand for the products and services provided by other workers.
Please, let’s hear more of this and less of how important it is to lift up the most rich and powerful corporations in the world in order to sustain our economy. We are so ready for you to be the president of the people, not the corporations. For the first time of your presidency, I thank you.
The Nanny State Liberation Front!
Lifestyle Behavior Modification
Kind of like Strategic Communications Laboratories!
Don’t panic! It’s a good thing that Obama is fighting for the working/middle class. It’s the corporations that will try to modify you more than the government will. If we can get corporations out of government, we will be more free – I promise.
p>It’s the health insurance industry’s whining and lobbying in congress that overweight people cost too much money to insure that is causing the new hit job on overweight people and fast food restaurants. Trust me, it’s not regular people up there on capital hill fighting to end fast food restaurants, it’s corporate insurers that are doing that.