Senator Sonia Chang-Diaz is a newcomers to Beacon Hill who fights for the rights of her constituents and for democracy. Her campaign kickoff today was a grass roots standing room only high energy event!
Along with a rousing introduction and speech from Representative Byron Rushing, she received an award for community service from local churches, and the office at 173 Dudley St., Roxbury was standing room only. Auditor candidate Mike Lake was also there to support Sonia.
My personal thanks to Senator Chang-Diaz for her opposition to expanding predatory gambling, and for fighting for CORI reform, reform in the Probation Department,as well as supporting and protecting funding for METCO.
As a freshman senator, she authored 10 pieces of legislation and co-sponsored 39 others. The 2nd Suffolk is well served, and if you have the time this summer, I suggest you stop by 173 Dudley Street or her website to support Senator Sonia Chang-Diaz. Her website is
She has been among the few raising salient issues, proposing sensible amendments that her colleagues have rejected and being an independent voice of reason.
p>It’s difficult to believe she’s a freshman.
p>We truly need more like her.
is the fact that suddenly people like Chang-Diaz and Jamie Eldridge will have some real seniority. Sonia Chang-Diaz is all kinds of great, such a breath of fresh air in government.