So we’ve got Charlie Baker speaking at a big fundraiser for Bill “kooky lawn sign” “I AM NOT A BIRTHER” Hudak. We’ve got him speaking at a fundraiser for Brad “Censured!” Marston. Hey, maybe Charlie’s just going all-in for every Republican candidate he can find.
But wait, what about poor Dan Winslow? Dan, one of the few actual adults running as a Republican this fall (he’s a former judge and former chief counsel to Gov. Romney), seems to be all on his own. I looked through his Facebook pics, his Flickr page, his website … nothing. No Charlie Baker, no Jennifer Nassour, not even Scott Brown (even though Winslow was his campaign’s chief counsel). No Republican party honchos at all that I could see.
Now, maybe Dan just hasn’t asked them to show up yet. Or maybe no one snapped a pic at the right time. I hope that’s all it is.
I see Rob Eno in his photo album as well!
p>And Nassour, Baker, Brown – all are friends. Define ‘honcho’?
A person who someone outside of the tiny MA GOP establishment might have heard of? Plus, Winslow was Brown’s chief campaign counsel, for God’s sake – that’s got to count for something.
Like me.
p>The crowd was small but building at that point. I first discovered Jim McKenna for Attorney General and RMG’s own billix! Shortly behind me was Charlie Baker, our next governor! I should note that as Charlie & billix shook hands, I asked if it was alright to break bill’s pseudonym and laughed with Charlie that the two of them shaking hands had to be a RMG history making moment that just might break the Internet if any photos could be posted!
p>From Brock Cordeiro’s post on RMG:
So I think you made a good point.
And when he already has a waffle advertisement who needs Charlie.
In response to the fundraiser for Hudak being held at the North Shore Music Theater (as well as one of my friend’s having their family treated poorly by them), I have created a Facebook group to boycott the NSMT. This really does not seem like a good campaign strategy for someone who considers himself a “moderate”.
p>Boycott the North Shore Music Theatre
Thanks for the kind words David (at least, the ones about me). Scott Brown, Charlie Baker and Jennifer Nassour all have been early supporters of my campaign. And Peter Porcupine rocks! But only the voters will matter come November, so that’s where my focus has been. I have learned so much going door to door in the district. Too bad we don’t have more political competition in the Bay State–all legislators of all stripes would benefit from actually talking to voters. We need to get the people back into the political process to get Massachusetts working again. For more information about my experience and proposals, please visit
Classy comment, from a classy candidate. Keep up the good work Dan.