I’m not sure that I agree with their “bi-partisanship” criteria or their comparison of Keating to Scott Brown. Lord, I hope not.
Perhaps Keating’s most important characteristic is the promise that he will be an independent voice in Congress. Throughout his political career, he has shown a willingness to break ranks – even to stand up to powerful party leadership, as he did with former Senate President William Bulger – to stay true to his convictions. We believe bipartisanship is a vital ingredient that is in short supply in Washington; hopefully Keating will follow the example set by Sen. Scott Brown to be guided by principles, not politics.
Please share widely!
since prior to endorsing Scott Brown, they generally supported liberals.
p>I don’t know how they can reconcile supporting Keating, who is in favor of Cape Wind, with their support for Brown, who is against it. But I guess newspapers don’t have to be consistent.
Believe it or not, even for a Cape paper, Cape Wind is not the be-all end-all issue. Sometimes simple things, like basic truthfulness and respectability, are enough to trump “the issues” even for a paper that has been willing to support Republicans in the past.
since, at that point, it was all but a foregone conclusion anyway.
I guess candidates don’t have to be consistent either when it comes to telling the truth, right MG?
Barney Frank just sent a letter co-signed by Ron Paul (and a D-rep from Washington IIRC). Ted Kennedy was famous for working with Republicans on issues, including Orrin Hatch (R-UT).
p>Neither are really celebrated for bipartisanship — they’re celebrated for fighting hard for their liberal values. I’m sure they ain’t the only two about which this can be said.
Charles “fratboy” Baker is sinking largely due to the enormous gender gap. There should be no surprise. Paul Levy, corporate health care exec. under attack by NOW for gender discrimination and creating a hostile work environment for serially promoting his girl friend. The BI old boy network, otherwise known as the board of directors, looked the other way until forced to give the ceo a slap on the wrist. Levy has been one of Bakers biggest cheerleaders. Now Baker refuses to distance himself from Perry who never intervened as a young women was molested. Baker has pandered to cops, welcomed the support of bad boy ceos, and now takes the wrong side on Perrygate.