Rod Snyder, President of the Young Democrats of America said, “Young Democrats of America are proud to partner with YDM to make sure they have the resources they need to mobilize hundreds of members across the Commonwealth who will help re-elect strong Democratic leaders.”
“Young people will play a crucial role in helping move the Commonwealth forward this election. We're very appreciative of Christine Pelosi, Vanessa Bradford Kerry, and Young Democrats of America for helping ensure we have the resources we need to help our members make an impact as part of an extensive get out the vote effort,” said Almquist.
“Democrats like Deval Patrick and Tim Murray are leaders on issues like education that directly benefit our generation and future ones, and their records reflect the values that Young Democrats of Massachusetts hold across areas of public policy,” said Almquist. Referring to YDM's platform, she noted, “Young people – like all Americans – have a stake in electing candidates who support green energy, equality, affordable health care, education, and a government that empowers young people.”
Young Democrats of Massachusetts are organizing members who volunteer to take November 2 off to help turn out voters as a part of a comprehensive coordinated statewide effort that will put to rest any notion of an enthusiasm gap.
“Young Democrats have been 'Friend Banking' – calling people we know and other members – to support Democratic leaders who share our vision for Massachusetts throughout that campaign. We're committed to using that grassroots approach from now until election day to remind young people across the Commonwealth what's at stake in this election and get out the vote,” said Almquist.
Massachusetts Democrats, most notably Governor Deval Patrick's re-election campaign, have employed a new grassroots approach in this election with hundreds of volunteers helping persuade and identify voters through personal, one-on-one interactions. The Massachusetts Democratic Party is organizing an ambitious grassroots statewide get out the vote effort led by hundreds of supporters and volunteers.
About Dr. Vanessa Bradford Kerry: Vanessa Bradford Kerry is the younger daughter of John Kerry and his first wife, Julia Thorne. She gained national recognition while campaigning for her father during the 2004 presidential election. Kerry took a leave from her medical studies in order to campaign for her father's presidential bid in 2004, even introducing him at the 2004 Democratic National Convention. She is a former member of the Board of Directors of Young Democrats of America and was recently elected as a term member to the Council on Foreign Relations. In addition to her political work, she has written on the impact of trade agreements on affordable drug access for developing countries, as well as the role of governance and international forces on health in these countries. As part of her work, she has traveled to Rwanda and researched the role of NGOs in the country, and their outcomes on public health. She continues to give lectures on her experience on the campaign trail, the current political landscape, and the role of youth in political change. She is a graduate of Harvard Medical School.
About Christine Pelosi: Pelosi is the daughter of Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, and businessman Paul Pelosi. Attorney, author, and activist Christine Pelosi has a lifetime of grassroots experience in politics and public policy. She conducts leadership boot camps for candidates and nonprofits across the country and teaches the Public Service Leadership Boot Camp for UC Berkeley extension in San Francisco. Her book, Campaign Boot Camp: Basic Training for Future Leaders, emerged from her years of grassroots activism and service as director of the AFSCME PEOPLE/New House PAC Congressional Candidates Boot Camp, which worked with over 75 challengers in 2006 and 2008, 23 of whom are now Members of Congress. Christine has served as executive director of the CA Democratic Party, deputy city attorney and assistant district attorney for the City of San Francisco, HUD special counsel in the Clinton-Gore administration, and chief of staff to U.S. Congressman John F. Tierney (MA-06). She chaired the CA Democratic Party Platform Committee for 13 years and has been elected 4 times to the Democratic National Committee, where she co-founded the DNC Veterans and Military Families Council.
About the Young Democrats of Massachusetts: The Young Democrats of Massachusetts (YDM) is a partisan political organization with more than a thousand members mobilized across the Commonwealth to create positive change in the causes and for the candidates we believe in. Our members are the leaders of today: young, registered Democrats under the age of 36 committed to getting Democrats elected and promoting progressive legislation. We are the future: now.
About the Young Democrats of America: The Young Democrats of America (YDA) is the largest youth-led, national, partisan political organization. YDA mobilizes young people under the age of 36 to participate in the electoral process, influences the ideals of the Democratic Party, and develops the skills of the youth generation to serve as leaders at the local and national level. YDA has chartered chapters in 46 states and U.S. territories with over 1,500 local chapters. Our 150,000+ members – including middle school, high school and college students as well as young workers, young professionals and young families – reflects the broad diversity of our nation and the Democratic Party. The Young Democrats of America has been the official youth arm of the Democratic Party since 1932.
For more information, please contact Kevin B. Gilnack, 617.506.9670,
is she related to Thurston Howell III. How does she find the time to campaign for issues while she’s working? Oh never mind, she must be one of the evil rich people that BMGers disdain so much. Evil!!!
Her accomplishments stand on their own. She is a brilliant young doctor.
p>As to who she is related to, in addition to being Senator Kerry’s daughter, you might want to look at her middle name that you are mocking. She is a direct descendant of William Bradford – you know – of the Mayflower. You also know that she is related to the First Governor of Massachusetts, John Winthorpe. (You know the man who wrote the words about a “shining city on the hill” that you Republicans think were Ronald Reagan’s words. )
(unless it’s me and I missed it), you might want to add it.
…I’ve seen this listed as Wed. 10/13 at 6PM.
p>Also, JohnD has simply decided that we all hate rich people because we believe they can afford to pay a slightly greater percentage in taxes. Nothing any of us can say will dissuade him.
Yes, this event is Wednesday from 6-8pm at Whiskey Park on Arlington St. in Boston.
p>Should be an awesome time, looking forward to it!!
Thanks to everyone that has donated and continues to help spread the word. We are all working really hard to continue to motive the under 36 voters in this cycle and every bit helps. Thanks.
Really excited for this event. Looking forward to seeing everyone and hoping you all bring a friend with you.
Just to share with all of you interested, Senator John Kerry will also be in attendance tonight. Hope to see you all there!