Dan Payne gets it right, I mean correct, in this piece on WBUR's Electionwire.
Somebody should get a prize (Dan? Ben Swasey?) for the title of the piece too. I think I should get credit for using that picture in a comment on this site though.
It's a really nicely organized piece too. And funny.
So why didn’t the Globe endorse Bump? In the Sen. Scott Brown era, the paper obviously wanted to find one Republican it could support. She wasn’t a birther (Bill Hudak), hadn’t stood idly by while a teenage girl was strip-searched (Jeff Perry) and hadn’t been an executive at AIG, arrested for drunk driving and smoking weed and hadn’t bothered to vote in the last decade (Jon Golnik).
According to Payne’s article in the Phoenix linked above:
Not a reason, to my mind, but a suspicious cloud: Ms. Connaughton has been a large recipient of money from anti-gay groups. Why?
Payne is from WBUR, not the Phoenix.
according to Payne in that piece.
Yes, Judy, great article, thanks for the link. Also, I recognized the picture right away! You’re famous, if only indirectly!
p>The biggest prize, of course, will go to the Commonwealth when Suzanne wins this race. I have fingers crossed, and I’m working like hell for the whole ticket! [Yes, it’s hard to type with your fingers crossed, but anything to get Dems elected, I say!]