Let's remember that when it comes to extension of unemployment benefits, Scott Brown's first priority was as follows:
“We need to stop the deficit spending and start offsetting the cost of worthy programs by cutting wasteful spending in other places,'' Brown said in a statement. “This requires elected leaders to make hard choices, but our country's economic stability requires that we get our fiscal house in order.''
… but as for his filibustering insistence on tax cuts for the rich …
The $858 billion package does more damage to the deficit than anything other piece of legislation passed during the Obama presidency.
Scott Brown's idea of fiscal house-sitting is to set the house on fire. He is a deficit fraud.
did Scott Brown vote against funding healthcare for 9/11 first responders?
p>Did he really put those heroes at the back of the line because he wanted the billionaires to come first?
No Republican voted for the Zadroga Bill.
The eye is on the money; Scott Brown wants to be able to crush whoever runs against him in 2012.
p>Fire fighters don’t donate like billionairs do – nor do the unemployed.
p>The rich-rich – you betcha. The banks and financial industry – they know how to bundle without it showing and hit the max donation over and over and over (and so on ad nauseating-to-me).
Or a nickname for someone who is called “Scot” – sorry if it is too familiar or abuses the name “Scottie”.
that the cops and firemen are about the only unions which have significant potential to break to the right. If they band together with their NYC brothers and sisters, they could put a significant dent in Scott Brown’s chances at reelection.
If my party would consider the Middle Class every time they vote instead of grandstanding we’d all be better off. So the House, Senate and President work to help the middle class, those who can’t find work—because there are no jobs being created here in the United States and we get some movement on inheritance taxes and tax cuts for small business that’s the real prize here. People working or those getting assistance that they paid for spend money to lift the economy. All these new Rs heading over to Capital Hill, they’re all on probation. This government must work to get things done. That Mitt is in panic mode because a bill to ease the pain of this nation will pass is just plain mush. But, that’s Mitt.
Bruce Bartlett, heterodox conservative, has an article of that name at capital gains and games. To wit:
Senator Brown is clearly a believer too.
Is the Senator for real? What exactly constitutes a ‘worthy program’…$10M inheritance dodges and tax cuts for top earners? Forgive the doctored reference of an old saying, but with continued gimmes to the well-off, that ‘fiscal house’, is a mansion built on the sand…