I asked in an earlier thread what it means that Jared’s college kicked him out pending a mental health eval. Does this mean that he went into “the system” to be banned from owning guns? Was he even flagged at all? Should he have been?
What would it mean if someone could flag you as mentally unstable? Would it be a violation of privacy? Of civil rights? Would it open the door to mischief?
Yet without any flag, gun laws preventing sales to such people can do nothing. Right?
Contemplate your own reactions to the dreaded patriot act for a minute. Contemplate what it would mean to you, politiically, if Jared’s college could have placed him on a list that prevented him from buying a gun.
Now, if you’ve passed all that muster (perhaps because you’d be super willing to ban just about anyone from owning a gun) then contemplate this:
in this here community, BMG, who would you report? Wouldn’t it be Lasthorseman?
Because thats who I’d report.
…which would be acceptable to determine mental instability. A concerned party (family, doctor, school, or whomever a law in this regard might designate) could apply to a judge to have a determination made, with the person in question having the right to defend himself, or if we do what I advocate and treat guns like cars by which we license the user and register the machine, the registry of such could deny the person a license, though this might also be appealable through the courts.
We’ve decessitated any mental health support structure that we have in this state and country, converting that wasted spending on public health into valuable tax cut revenues for the rich.
Studying that Darth Vader choke the Admiral trick.
Actually I go through life thinking everybody else is mental. I don’t have any enemies,it’s just a sea of mis-informed dumbed down sheeple who truely believe in their own crap, be it Rush Limbaugh,Alex Jones, or MSLSD.
p>Made the front page, and I didn’t even try.
people here are already a couple standard deviations out on the fringe. And even to them, you look like a total alien. (So to speak)