Hosted by The Public Policy Institute and ONE Massachusetts
In these hard times when the federal, state and city governments have less tax revenue to spend, our elected officials find themselves surrounded by advocates for various programs that provide a wide range of social service, employment training and public health prevention programs, etc, etc to their constituents. Gone are the days when advocates could just appeal to lawmakers' hearts. Now they say they have to come to the Statehouse armed with hard data about the success of their programs.
“You can no longer go and just say it's the right thing to do. You have to make your case statistically and put a human face on it,” said Brian Condron, Director of Advocacy for The Home for Little Wanderers. “It takes a lot more research and work,” he added. [Full Article:Boston Herald]
So how do you put a human face on your work? What kind of success data do you need to present? How do you answer the questions “We have no money… what would you suggest we cut to fund your program?” and “Will you support me if I support new taxes?” Get answers to these questions and more at an interactive advocacy session with:
• Brian Condron from The Home for Little Wanderers (quoted above!)
• Judy Meredith Executive Director of the Public Policy Institute
• Yawu Miller, Deputy Director of the Public Policy Institute
• Surprise guests (!)
Join us Wednesday March 2nd at 3:30pm in the 9th Floor Conference Room at the Public Policy Institute. Tuition for this event is $10, and covers a snack and take-home materials. The fee may be waived upon request for those unable to pay. Please register by February 25th to Carmen Arce-Bowen or 617-275-2833.