Here in MA, if you hang out in certain circles you might hear things like how the leader of the Boston Tea Party one day had bruises all up and down her shins from being kicked by union thugs at some rally, but since that doesn’t really make news (and who wants it to, really?) we can focus on the BMG hot spot du jour, WISCONSIN!
So as we all know the progressive/union alliance went completely berserk when democrats quite literally fleeing the state failed to prevent the end of collective bargaining on benefits (note: not pay), exactly the thing which is currently dooming so many blue states.
So what was the reaction of the left? Oh well, you know, just the usual – protests, chants, recalls, death threats…
Death threats? No way! Only right wingers do that crap, as we all know from the intelligent analysis of the [ed note: utterly abhorrent and FYI not right wing] Giffords attack. But wait, what’s this? A leftist has just been arrested for vile death threats against republicans in WI. (Except that she hasn’t actually been taken in – weird huh?)
MADISON (WKOW) — Authorities say 26-year-old Katherine Windels sent disturbing emails to 16 Republican senators, repeatedly threatening to kill them.
distrubring, eh? But seriously, what could be so disturbing?
According to the complaint, Windels told the senators “you will be killed and your families [sic] will also be killed due to your actions in the last 8 weeks.” She threatened to “put a nice little bullet in your head,” and made reference to several bombs.
Yikes. And, trust me, that is just the tip of the iceberg.
Unfortunately, it also seems that she might be a local teacher:
News reports identify her as Katherine Windels of Cross Plains, Wisconsin, but don’t say too much else about her. James Simpson’s piece linked above notes that Jim Hoft and Underground Conservative did a little digging and discovered a Katherine Windels of Cross Plains of the same age (26) who teaches children in pre-school and kindergarten. The picture in her MySpace and Peek profiles looks remarkably similar to the WKOW mugshot (from 2004) used in the story, and it would be a very strange coincidence indeed to find two women of the same exact name, age, and appearance in a town of less than 4,000 people.
Ouch. But, lets be fair – this could happen with anyone, anywhere. No one can dispute that. I am not going to go tarring all teachers (!!) or all lefties with homicidal tendencies when part of their entitlements are challenged. All I will do – and I mean it! – is point out a few other things that have also gone on in the same arena, at the same time:
“The Only Good Republican is a Dead Republican”RELOAD: Repeal Walker
“Hang them all”
“Wisconsin Tea Party Patriots State Coordinator Michael Hintze told police when he answered a call on his cell phone about 2:30 p.m. Saturday, a male voice “asked if he was wearing a bullet-proof vest” and then hung up.”
Please put your things in order because you will be killed and your familes will also be killed due to your actions in the last 8 weeks. Please explain to them that this is because if we get rid of you and your families then it will save the rights of 300,000 people and also be able to close the deficit that you have created. I hope you have a good time in hell. Read below for more information on possible scenarios in which you will die.
Earlier Thursday, police reported finding dozens of rounds of live ammunition outside the Capitol.
Dane County deputies found 11 rounds near the State Street entrance Thursday morning, UW-Madison Police Chief Susan Riseling said. Twenty-nine rounds were found near the King Street entrance, and one round was found near the North Hamilton Street entrance, Riseling said.Wisconsin State Rep-D Gordon Hintz Shouts ‘You Are F**king Dead’ to Female GOP Rep
Some of that will, I hope, give the few people here who rushed to assign all violence to the right after the Giffords tragedy, some second thoughts.
Finally, and also linked above, take a good look at your close ally:…
So I guess, finally, Good luck with your recalls. Looks like you are in good hands. Maybe Capuano didn’t really “misspeak” after all.
The crew that ignored the Tuscon Massacre until into prodded into comment wants its latest obscure bugaboo to be condemned instantly. Apparently they don’t understand that most people mean what they say — if we condemn violent political rhetoric once, we must do it every single time they can dig up a case. I’m sure demolisher meant to leaven out his exclamation-point filled diatribe by dealing with the latest tea party threats of violence, and will correct his omission forthwith.
move along
your condemnation of all rhetoric that threatens violence, by people of all political persuasions.
…the BMG community and progressives in general do not condone the actions described in the diary – next case!
Meant with sarcasm, no doubt, which is OK. Because we don’t need luck. We’re going to win them the old-fashioned way: through hard work and being on the correct side. đŸ™‚
Yes, there are crazy and even violent people from all parts of the political spectrum. However, at least in this country, violent political rhetoric is largely the tool of the right not the left. For every example you can come up with of someone on the left doing something like this, I am sure 100 could be produced from the right.
p>In any case, there is simply no excuse for this kind of behavior from either side of the spectrum and I am glad to see that you seem to think this is wrong.
p>As to the recalls, I doubt that one or two crazy people are going to affect the outcome. You can pretty much bet that more than one Republican is going to lose their job due to these recalls. While on the other side it is highly doubtful that the Republicans will be able to gather enough signatures for a recall election against any of their targeted Democrats.
painted in this post about what’s going on in Wisconsin its not only about this one crazy teacher getting arrested for death threats – although frankly I’m not aware of any Wisconsin tea partiers in similar situations.
p>What it is really showing, to me anyway, is a broad pattern of threats and violence largely centered around what I’ll loosely call “union thuggery”. Again, I see no parallel among the other side in Wisconsin (or anywhere, really). Watch the last videos I linked – and believe me there are tons more where those came from – union thugs destroying recall petitions against dems, and joking about “democracy by force”. A union boss slimily proclaming his alliance with progressives needs to be strengthened.
p>There are loons all over the place, yes, and all over the spectrum. But unions have a long history of intimidation and in many cases cross the line into physical force. Sometimes they have to get a little bloody.
p>That is the whole picture, not just one isolated person.
p>And I’d say to all of the other commenters whose predictable same retort was “happens on both sides, don’t expect me to condemn it”, please feel free to show any evidence of the violent side of the tea party or republicans in this Wisconsin situation.
This isn’t a traditional political issue. This is the Governor directly trying to screw over the public unions. Union members can fully expect to experience financial losses and worsening working conditions directly because of this issue. It is therefore not at all surprising that there are some people that go over the edge.
p>I don’t see any evidence of actual organized “thuggery” on the part of the unions.
p>We all know that unions and employers and governments have resorted to intimidation at times in the past, but I don’t think that the unions involved here have much of a history like that. We are talking about teachers, policemen, fireman,
etc. not teamsters or longshoremen.
p>Regarding the Tea party side, I know that I have read some violent quotes of right wing types (don’t know if they were actual Tea Party members) in the last several weeks over at DailyKos regarding how the protesters should be handled.
One guy getting kicked is thuggery.
p>Thousands of people shoved below the poverty line is freedom.
p>The first is disgraceful, the second noble.
OK so – this is different in your view, more directly impactful to the union members – and therefore their violence is more … understandable …
p>(See below for some thug clips, and you can find them in many many other states and situations too)
p>The reason that the public unions are under pressure is because it is their largesse that has created the unsustainable mess which is bankrupting the states. Among other things, super generous defined benefit pension plans. And why have they gotten so out of control? Because collective bargaining combined with the cycle of public money -> unions -> supportive pols -> more public money for unions is unbreakable. So collective bargaining for benefits has to go, or the state goes bankrupt. Except, it can’t so it would have to fire 1500 people for starters. Or we could just reign in these ridiculous pensions.
p>And on top of all of that, it is the taxpayers’ money that is being spent in this case. They have every right to want it spent well.
…between levels of unionization and budget struggles in the various states. If these administrations hadn’t insisted in tax giveaways to those already well off, they wouldn’t be crying poverty to the middle class. The unions are doing as well as everyone should be. The fight needs to be to get more people up to that level rather than tearing the unions down.
Sorry, what tax “giveaways” (always love that) “to the already well off” are you referring to in Wisconsin or the other struggling states? Are you referring to the income taxes in CA or NJ perhaps? Please clarify.
p>You cannot seriously think that the states can tax their way out of the defined benefit pension mess – can you?
WI and others have cut taxes for the top bracket, denying themselves lots of revenue. The answer to your last question is yes, as a matter of fact I do, if not completely it would at least go a long way.
…that you see union thuggery because that is what you want to see. Your prejudices lend themselves to the old Hoffa Teamsters with unsavory mob ties. Do you really think these state workers are the violent types?
here is some more video from Wisconsin:
p>and this probably wasn’t too intimidating here:
p>Why do you think these people are not the violent types, exactly?
I didn’t see anyone get hit. One guy on the ground, but it might be more lies like the “punched in the arm” bullshit from Faux News:
p>There are some angry people in your videos, and they have every right to be mad as hell: they are facing an existential threat to their ability to earn a decent wage. Both political parties (more or less) are trying to turn their lives into this:
p>Want to see thuggery? Here’s thuggery:
p>Apparently Fox Lies:…
p>So best to break their reporters’ necks:…
p>or just hit them:…
p>more thuggery:…
p>storming the capital:…
p>on the other hand, here is some point and counterpoint, video created by the right leaning Heritage Foundation:…
The first one started with a rhetorical flourish by Capuano that was already covered here. At least some were from sources that also have need to confirm their prejudices. Suffice to say we prefer to keep things civil; I don’t know what you want. An occasional person on our side lets his temper get the best of him so that should discredit the whole cause?
and obviously they are sometimes compiled by people who do not sympathize with unions. But that doesn’t mean that the things in the videos are somehow not real.
p>The point that I am supporting is that there is a pattern of violence and intimidation that unions bring to bear that is wrong, and that unions closely ally with progressives and vice versa, and finally that progressives if they are worth their salt should loudly decry and reject such violence, and at the same time stop trying to paint the right as the “violent side” (TM).
p>There is simply no parallel on the other side.
p>You can agree with me and still believe all the things you believe.
You’re full of it here, that’s all there is to it. We do condemn it when it happens, but I distinctly recall hearing that there were no arrests made for disorderly conduct relative to the demonstrations in Madison.
you recall hearing something and therefore I am full of it?
p>Nine Arrested as Capitol Protests Continue
Maybe what I heard was in reference to a specific significant day, like the first one, but I know I had heard that early on and I remember being quite impressed.
All the examples of “violence” were various claims made by Fox “reporters”. No actual violence seen.
p>I guess when the union workers are supported by people like these you have to scrape around to find scary examples.
Link: http://www.democraticundergrou…