Here’s the deal: Our involvement in Afghanistan is bankrupting us while doing little for national security. And while some would rather ignore the inconvenient facts, this war is being paid for with our national credit card, with no plan to pay it off.
I need your support to get the message out that instead of nation building in Afghanistan, we need to do some nation-building right here at home. Please support me now.
As we head toward the 2012 election, make no mistake that the opposition will continue to recklessly and arbitrarily cut the budget on the backs of seniors and middle class families.
Please donate today so that I can continue the fight for what’s important: Creating jobs and building the economy here at home; not paying for an endless war thousands of miles away.
With best wishes,
Jim McGovern
I would like to see it. I’m glad you went on Morning Joe. Thank You. I watch it if I happen to be home when it’s on. They can be irritating sometimes but at other time they are a useful voice to the public. Can you please try to provide a link to the clip. Thanks.
Just click the photo and it will take you to the video. There was a typo in the link before that prevented it from working.
When he said Afghanistan was the “right war” I didn’t think that meant he planned on doubling our committment, adding missions, killing lots of civilians, extending the war into Pakistan, and spending hundreds of billions.
p>I also thought we were leaving Iraq. Enough said about that fiasco.
p>And by his (the President’s) general tone I felt that he was not planning any new wars. Apparently I misread him on that as well.
p>My guess is that the rebels lose in Libya and we look like total fools. I realize it’s cost is only few hundred million or so (maybe a billion, tops), but there is a bigger loss internationally. Oh, and the death toll will only be in the thousands, or at most ten thousand, none ours, so no biggie as well.
At this time when Congress has shown weakness and impotence in dealing with the many problems facing the citizenry of the United States, it is good to hear you and a few other Congressmen voicing the need for real change. I remember that the Vietnam war was ended by Congress, through the power of the budget. Not by the Executive or Judiciary.
p>I wish you well.
We need to hear more of this. Much more. Instead all we hear about is how Medicare and Social Security etc are killing our budget, and union workers need to work for less pay and fewer benefits, and the top 2% need a tax break because they are the drivers of the economy. Unbelievable.