The March for Common Sense was a call by today’s youth to stand and fight and stop the cuts that would strip them of a secure future!
video of the march shows speakers such as Reverend Small and Bob Massie calling on this generation to fight the cuts, and support a positive future of a better life for all.
These young Patriot’s delivered their message to senator’s offices, campuses, and took their message to the public with both a rally and videos. Will we heed their call and fight the cuts?
Cuts are not the way to prosperity. You cannot build a better future by stripping away hope, security, and educational access. Smaller and smaller is the way to poverty and decay.
Corporations that pay no taxes, and a failure to fight for our children’s future is shameful – and these young patriots are calling on all of us to stand and fight rather than cave in to fear and corporate bullies.
Tell me, do you want to live in a country whose future government is owned and run by, and for Koch industries, or in a future of government of, by, and for the people?